Hurt Feelings

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(Y/N) Pov

Why can't I have a peaceful day in my life, is to much to ask for a day without Harry and Draco arguing, did I kill someone in my past life for this to happen to me.

Harry: Malfoy.

Draco: That's right. And that's not all that's new this year.

Ron: Those are Nimbus 2001s. How did you get those?

Lucius had sent the team new brooms cause he wanted to support the team his son was in, he wanted us to have the best but mostly he just wanted to show Draco that he was proud of him, even though it was a strange way to show someone your proud of them it still worked cause when Draco received the brooms he was almost jumping with joy, he knew what his father wanted to pass through that gift.

Flint: A gift from Draco's father.

Draco: You see, Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best.

I leaned in to his ear, he didn't have to be like this, I know he wanted to have a great reputation as the perfect Slytherin but I know that he didn't really want that deep down, he just wanted someone to tell him he's good enough but even though I tell him that he seems to not believe it.

(Y/N): Don't be like that, I know you want to start training soon and we will. I know you don't like them but just put up with them for a little more, I'll read to you if you, so just behave for now okay, don't be to harsh on them.

Draco: Okay, princess. You'll have to read for me though.

We smiled at each other but a whisper in my head told that this fight wasn't over and something was going to hurt the precious boy in front of me.

Hermione: At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent.

After this comment I was seeing red, she had no idea of what she was talking about, how dare she tell that Draco bribed is way to the team.

(Y/N): You don't know anything Hermione and if I were you I would shut the hell up unless you want to make me do something I won't regret.

Some team members backed away from me, whispering about how my eyes turned red but right now I didn't really care, I just wanted to make her regret what she said, cause I knew that it hurts Draco's feelings even though he doesn't show it.

Now I was walking in her direction, watching her shiver in fear, scared by the glare in my eyes, Harry and Ron took a defensive stand at her sides, like they could stop me, it almost made chuckle.

Draco stopped me before I could actually get close to her, he had a scowl on his face but he had sadness in his eyes, the rest of the people didn't see it but I knew better and it just made me madder.

Draco: No one asked your opinion. You filthy little mudblood.

I knew that the word he just said was a really bad insult and I should care, since Hermione is also my friend but I didn't, I just wanted to hug Draco and comfort him.

Ron: You'll pay for that one, Malfoy.

Ron took his wand so I took mine too just in case, but Draco lowered my arm, that meant that he could protect himself, he didn't want me to get hurt by protecting him even if we always fight together.

Ron: Eat slugs!

Apparently I really didn't have to worry, Ron's wand was broken so the spell backfired and now he was laying on the ground vomiting slugs, the whole Gryffindor team surrounding him.

Hermione: You okay Ron? Say something.

I was still pissed at Hermione but I decided to have a chat with her later, they took him to Hagrid's, I stayed a few minutes with Draco but I had to talk to her, this urge to tell her everything I thought about this whole fight was eating me inside.

(Y/N): I'll see you in the Common Room in some time okay, I have something to take care of.

Draco: Okay, but don't take long.

(Y/N): Of course not, I still have to read to you after all.

I giggled and took off to Hagrid's hut, when I got there Harry tried to stop me from entering but I just pushed him aside, he had no right to stay in my way.

(Y/N): I want to talk to Hermione.

She nodded and got up, she went outside so I followed her, she had a hurt expression on her face, I don't blame her though, that insult isn't a pretty one but she doesn't get to play the victim.

(Y/N): You had no right to insult him by saying that he only got in the team cause of his dad, I'm sorry for what he said but he only said that cause you insulted him first. You're starting to be like Harry, judging people just by what they look and because of what they have instead of actually getting to know them. He got in the team because of his talent and his father gave us those brooms so he could support the team his son was in, he gave us those so he could show Draco that he was proud of him so don't think for one second that you were the victim in that situation, I'm not saying that Draco was right to call you such offensive name but you were also wrong and none of this would have happened if you guys left the field and let us train.
I don't even know why you and Ron got involved, this was a matter between the Quidditch Captains and last time I checked you guys weren't even in the Quidditch Team.

She looked she wanted to cry but I know that deep down she knew that I was right, she just didn't want to admit it.

Hermione: I thought you would defend me, I thought you would be on my side, I didn't do anything wrong.

(Y/N): You wanted me to defend you? Don't think for one second that I would do that when you  said those stuff about Draco besides you didn't defend me when Harry said that at the bookshop, I get that you guys are friends but so were we, now we're even and don't even think about talking to me unless you want to apologize. 

I turned around and went in to my Common Room, because in there was a person that actually deserved my time even if he was a little rough around the edges.


Word Count: 1143

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