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(A/N: Hey guys, how are you? Hope you guys had an awesome Christmas and a Happy New Year.)

(Y/N) Pov

My eyes darted around, looking for a quick easy escape from between the fake Death Eaters surrounding us.

Draco: Stupefy!

Uncle: Bombarda!

Lucius and I quickly ran toward the escapeway Draco and Uncle created for us as we ran I could hear the others joining us and casting spells at the Death Eaters chasing us. I could hear Bellatrix's insane laughter as we got farther away from her.

The rows full of crystal balls made it difficult to know if we were going the right way, my heart was beating so fast that I felt like it could jump out of my chest.

We quickly swerved left as a Death Eater appeared in front of us, disappearing in a cloud of smoke as we managed to evade him. We got separated once more, I could hear the twins shouting spells not that far away.

Hermione and Blaise appeared from behind the shelf that was next to us before we all got surrounded once more, but this time Stupefy didn't seem to be working as they kept deflecting the spells while closing in.

(Y/N): Bombarda!

We took off, Hermione raised her hand and with a flicker of her wrist, the crystal balls on the shelves started falling onto our pursuers, slowing them and delaying our capture.

Somehow we all ended up together again, I looked at everyone, happy to see that no one seemed injured.

Blaise: Reducto.

After Blaise fired his spell, all the crystal balls started falling like dominoes.

(Y/N): F*ck!

Uncle: Language.

I heard Draco and Lucius stifle a laugh as I looked at Uncle with a "Seriously?" look as we took off running.

Fred: We need to get to the door.

(Y/N): We've been trying but this place looks like a freaking maze.

Draco: We took so many turns while dodging Dumbledore's cronies that finding the door would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Lucius: And this is where we adults interfere, just follow Severus and I, children.

Uncle and Lucius took the lead as we all looked at each other doubtfully but continued after them nonetheless. The scenery behind us was a beautiful but destructive one, the bright blueish-white light "chased" us as more balls fell and turned into blue smoke and pieces of glass as they hit the floor.

It would be something nice to admire if we didn't die because of it. It seems that following Lucius and Uncle wasn't the worst idea because we quickly found the door.

But instead of meeting solid ground after we went through it we were met with gravity pulling us down, my eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as I saw how big the fall was, we would definitely die from it but I couldn't grab my wand properly due to the heavy feeling that surrounded my whole body keeping me from moving to much.

As the ground below us got closer the only thing I could do was close my eyes and pray that we would be okay. 

And as we were only simple centimeters from the ground our bodies stopped falling, the crushing weight of the momentum against whatever stopped us from our deaths made my body feel like it was breaking down, like every little bone was being turned to dust but that lasted only for a couple seconds before we fell to the actual floor, safely this time.

George: Department of Mysteries. They nailed that bit right, didn't they?

I got up quickly touching my bag to see if the prophecy was intact, before pulling Draco into a bone-crushing hug. But I pulled away as whispers, voices reached my ears, I couldn't understand what they were saying, they were too much, too many.

(Y/N): Please tell me you guys can hear the voices as well, cause I don't feel like going insane.

They all had confused looks on, except Uncle and Lucius, both nodding their heads while looking at me, before the three of us looked at the origin of said voices. A big archway stood in the middle of the room, a misty grey portal-like smoke in its center.

Uncle: Can you tell what they are saying?

Lucius: No, too many voices, it's hard to to even catch a word.

Hermione: What voices?

(Y/N): We don't know, they're coming from the archway but nothing makes sense, it's like gibberish.

Draco: (Y/N), Dad, we need to get out of here.

Draco grabbed my hand and I nodded, right now our main priority was to leave this place, not some mysterious archway. A noise from behind us caught our attention, a noise we had heard so many times today, the familiar sound of the black shadows of the fake Death Eaters.

Lucius: Get behind us, children.

Lucius and Uncle raised their wands wanting to protect us from the Death Eaters, we also raised our wands but we were knocked down by the smoke-like form of the Death Eaters.

Uncle and Lucius stood their ground, firing spell after spell, but as I got up I was the only one standing behind them, everyone else was being held by one of Dumbledore's followers. My breath got caught in my throat as I noticed Draco being held by Bellatrix Lestrange, her wand pointed at his neck, I could feel my eyes tearing up at his fearful gaze.

I saw Lucius' hand grip his wand tighter as his breath shook, I saw the others struggle in their grips and I subconsciously touched the crystal bag in my bag.

Bellatrix: Did you actually believe or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us? Even with Lucius and Severus you brats never had a chance. Give me the prophecy or they will all die. I'll spare your lover boy for last so you can look at him properly before I kill him.

Draco: (Y/N), don't do it, don't give it to her. Father, it's okay.

Lucius' hand shook at Draco's words and I grabbed the prophecy from my bag after all I made a promise to myself, I wouldn't let any of them get hurt, not Lucius, not Uncle, not my friends, and most definitely not Draco.

But as I reached to give the prophecy to one of Bellatrix's lackeys Uncle and Lucius stopped me, and a bright light appeared in the room.

Father: Get away from my daughter, you filth.

The fake Death Eater was thrown away from me without a spell being uttered, his body meeting the wall opposite us, not a sound could be heard after that, and the tension in the room grew exponentially.

I looked behind me only to find Father, after, I had to cover my eyes as bright white smoke-like forms appeared, going after the fake Death eaters, once they had managed to free my friends, the white forms stopped near Father revealing  Professor Lupin, Sirius, and some of my Father's men, all with their wands at ready.


Word Count: 1179

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