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(Y/N) Pov

Our first class was going to be Defense Against the Dark Arts but tonight was a full moon so Professor Lupin probably wouldn't be teaching us today, he looked a bit pale and in pain at breakfast, he tried to pretend he wasn't but it was pretty obvious to me that he was under the early effects of the full moon.

We were in our seats when the doors were slammed open, the windows following making the room dark and Hades much more comfortable as he sneaked a peek from the crook of my neck, Snape entered his cape flowing behind him.

Snape: Turn to page 394.

I could see students shivering and hurrying to do what was asked.

Harry: Excuse me, sir, where's Professor Lupin?

I can't believe that he actually thought he would get an answer, I silently snickered already knowing what would come next, Snape glanced my way and his eyes light up, I knew he saw my mother every time he would glance my way and I didn't mind, I knew my mother must have been an amazing women to make my father fall in love with her, the Great Dark Lord who only cared about power, it was fascinating actually.

Snape: I don't think that any of your concern, is it, Potter? Sufficient to say your Professor feels incapable of teaching at the present time. Turn to page 394.

He turned on the projector and a scowl appeared on his face, with a flick of his wand, Ron's book was instantly opened on page 394, I almost rolled my eyes again, I mean they are all terrified of him but then they let him catch them doing stuff they shouldn't be doing or not listening to what he said.

Ron: "Werewolfs"?

I instantly knew why he had us open the book on that page, he was trying to teach us what Professor Lupin was without making it obvious he was talking about him, I knew this was because of Professor Lupin because I knew his secret but the rest of the class was oblivious and confused why Snape had jumped so many pages and subjects, the person who may have suspected anything was Hermione but she seemed hesitant and unsure.

She turned around to look at my uncle who didn't say anything and just kept his stoic face on, pissing off Harry, seriously this kid must have anger issues, even when the subject at matter doesn't concern him he still gets mad like someone is provoking him on purpose, he really needs to see a therapist or someone of the sort.

Hermione: But sir, we've just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks.

I looked in her direction, I think it's the first time hearing her talk to a Professor that way, it surprised me, I guess she's starting to feel the pressure of having so many classes at the same time but I know she'll figure something out, she's Hermione Granger for Merlin's sake.

Snape: Quiet!

Ron: When did she get here? Did you see her come in?

(Y/N): Seriously, don't you know how to make any other questions when Hermione talks in class and you haven't seen her?

The room was silent just waiting for what Snape would say next but guess who broke the peaceful and blissful silence, if your first answer was Harry you were absolutely right and deserve a cookie.

Harry: He's insane. Why is he suddenly changing what we should be learning? He's not even our actual Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

I looked at him and a hiss left my mouth, Hades hissed too and slithered further away from me almost reaching Harry but I stopped him with a whisper.

(Y/N): Hades stop, you can't attack him here, if you do we'll most definitely get in trouble and we don't want that, so stop.

The black snake hissed one more time, but this time it was really close to Harry's face, showing him his sharp fangs.

(Y/N): The only insane person here is you, and he's our god damn teacher, he can do whatever he wants even if he's not teaching the subject we have with him, show some respect, you moron.

Draco gave Harry a sly smirk and put his arm around me after high-fiving some students who were laughing at Harry's red face, I could sense the anger radiating from him but I didn't care and just waited for what Snape would do next.

Snape: Well then after that little show I can only guess you're all excited for the class. Now, who can tell me between an Animagus and a Werewolf?

I raised my hand but so did Hermione, we looked at each other and smiled, it was almost laughable how we always raised our hand at the same time and how we were the only ones who raised the hand in class. Snape glanced between the two of us and nod his head my way wanting me to answer.

(Y/N): An Animagus is a wizard who can let himself turn into an animal, a Werewolf has no choice. With each full moon, he transforms and no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his best friend if it crosses his path, furthermore the werewolf only respond to the call of his own kind.

Draco made a wolf noise jokingly to lighten up the mood, students snickered and I looked at him with one of my eyebrows raised he gave me a quick shrug and a peck on the cheek.

Snape: Thank you, Mr. Malfoy.

Harry: She's such a know it all, and a teacher's pet, so annoying.

Snape: How disappointing. Someone who can't even tell me these differences mocking someone who can, if you don't have anything intelligent to say please stay quiet Potter. It's the second time you've spoken out of turn Potter, are you incapable of restraining yourself, or do you take pride in being a little git?

Hermione: He's got a point.

Snape: Five points from Gryffindor.

Draco: Want to watch the stars with me from the Astronomy Tower tonight?

He whispered that to me and adjusted in his seat, I blushed and nodded, I quickly made eye contact with him and smiled at him, when I looked up Snape's eyes were on us and I focused my attention on the front the class. Draco made a paper bird fly to Harry but I didn't get a chance to ask what was written on it.

Snape: As an antidote to your ignorance, I want it on my desk on Monday, two rolls of parchment on Werewolfs, with particular emphasis on recognizing.

The whole classroom groaned not wanting to do the work, I'll admit I wasn't thrilled either but it's not like Snape will change his mind even if we show our displeasure so might as well come to terms with it.

Harry: Sir, it's Quidditch tomorrow.

And it seems like the idiot doesn't realize that there's no point in arguing and decided to state his opinion as it mattered. Snape quickly marched to Harry's table and put his hands on it.

Snape: Then I suggest you take extra care, Mr. Potter. Loss of limb will not excuse. Page 394. The term Werewolf is a contraction of the...

I should be paying attention but Harry opened the note Draco gave him and looked at us, I could see his hand clench as if he wanted to punch something, sometimes I wonder why he's so mad all the time or what I even did to him besides being a Slytherin but somethings aren't meant to be found.


Word Count: 1292

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