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(Y/N) Pov

I looked at him before looking around us, seeing if anyone was paying attention to us.

(Y/N): Dad!

I jumped up and hugged him tightly, from the corner of my eye I saw Draco straightening his posture and adjusting his clothes, Lucius put a hand in front of his mouth to stop himself from laughing at his son's actions.

Dad: I've missed you, dear. It's good to know that you liked the surprise.

He had a small smile on his face while I had a full-blown one, I let go of him not wanting to generate any unnecessary attention on us. He turned to Draco looking at him up and down with a raised eyebrow.

Dad: You must be Draco. The boy that's dating my daughter.

Draco stuck out his hand for him to shake, a stoic look on his face not giving anything away, I looked at Lucius, as we both tried so hard to keep our laughter in.

Draco: It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.

Dad shook Draco's hand, clearly tightening his grip, part of me knew that he was somewhat just trying to scare him, Draco was his friend's son after all, and he knew that Lucius raised him right and that Uncle would have killed him already if he didn't treat me nicely.

After a few seconds of them having a staring competition, Dad released Draco's hand and gave him a small smirk.

Dad: I think I'll like you, kid.

Dad grabbed my hand and apparated us to the Malfoy Manor and I'm positively sure that it's going to take me a few more travels like that to get used to it. Narcissa almost tackled Draco and I once we were in her sight, I laughed and hugged her back, this always happened, and she would always have the same reaction when we returned home, it was comforting.

Draco was opening his mouth to argue with his mother but she didn't give him a chance and quickly ushered him to the dining room, making me certain that she had meals already prepared for us there, house elves appeared taking the trunks and levitating them to our rooms.

Dad: We will join you later, Lucius, and Narcissa. We have some things to discuss and the quicker we do it the better.

Lucius: Of course. You two can use my office if you'd like.

Dad nodded with a small smile and walked away leaving me to follow him, I turned to Lucius and gave him a quick but meaningful hug before going after my father.

We passed Lucius' office and Dad continued walking only stopping once we reached the library.

Dad: I would use Lucius' office as he suggested, but it seemed to be a huge invasion of privacy, this will do, besides libraries were always my favorite place to be, in Hogwarts or anywhere else.

I sat down in one of the chairs near the fireplace, just like I always did in the Common Room, it sorta just became a habit by now. Dad sat down in the chair opposite to me and I could tell it was difficult for him to relax because even while just sitting with me his posture was spot on, he didn't even look tempted to slouch a little bit of how comfortable the chair was. He waved his wand and two mugs of hot chocolate appeared on the table in front of us.

Dad: We're going to be here for a while so might as well get comfortable, it is a long story after all.

I nodded just waiting for him to start telling me everything, sinking deeper into the chair and holding my mug, cause the weather was absurdly chilly today, I looked at him seeing him slowly relax.

Dad: How about I start telling you everything and at the end if you still have unanswered questions we talk about it?

(Y/N): That sounds good, it's better than me interrupting every five seconds.

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