Yule Ball

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(Y/N) Pov

The entrance to the Great Hall was packed with students, we tried to go in but Professor McGonagall stopped us.

Professor McGonagall: There you are (Y/N). Are you and Mr. Malfoy ready? I believe Professor Snape informed you that you two will be the first ones to dance along with the other champions.

(Y/N): He did. We are very much ready, Professor.

Professor McGonagall: Good. You both look lovely, my dear. Miss Granger, you and Mr. Zabini may proceed into the Great Hall.

They both nodded at the older woman before she hurried away. Harry and Ron had just arrived too, glaring at us from across the room, I just mockingly waved my fingers at them. Ron looked at Hermione who didn't pay them any attention, just talking to Blaise, and clenched his teeth. Well too bad, no one told him to be a d*ck.

Blaise: Well, we will be going inside before McGonagall drags us inside.

Hermione: Good luck! We'll meet after the first dance.

And there they went hand in hand, smiling brightly at each other, I scanned the room finding Viktor with his date, they looked really cute together, I waved at him while Draco gave him a thumbs up, and he smiled at us before continuing his conversation.

Professor McGonagall: I need you all to line up in the procession, please. This way. Come along.

We all lined up, Fleur and her date first, next Viktor and his, Cedric with Cho, Me and Draco, and then Harry and Parvati Patil.

Parvati: You look gorgeous, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Thank you. So do you. I hope you have a great evening.

I gave her a gentle smile, and for each is worth I really meant what I said, I hope she finds out how Harry can be and switches partners by the middle of the night. The Great Hall looked beautiful, filled with winter-themed decorations.

We went to the middle of the Great Hall, Draco grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, and just like every other time, everything around us disappeared, like we were the only ones in the room. Everyone dancing perfectly, well everyone except Harry, who looked like he would step on Parvati's foot all time.

The teachers joined us champions in the middle of the room, Draco lifted me up before slowly bringing me down, making sure that we were still following the rhythm of the song. I gave him a small peck but he didn't leave it that, giving me a long kiss, but that didn't stop our dancing, I could hear people ask how we did it but it's cause we are so used to each other's movements. We pulled away, and continued dancing, just looking into each other's eyes, we didn't talk, we just enjoyed it like always.

Hermione: Do you know how many girls, and boys are glaring at you two right now?

Hermione and Blaise joined us in the middle of the room, taking her words in I looked around the room, finding several girls glaring at me enviously, while the guys looked at me up and down before glaring at Draco.

Draco: I swear I'll rip out their eyes.

(Y/N): Cute.

Draco: I'm not cute. I'm threatening.

(Y/N): Very, my love.

I giggled and just like that the first dance was over, we all went to get something to drink.

(Y/N): So this is the lucky girl? It's very nice to meet you.

Girl: Hi! My name is Helena and the pleasure is all mine.

(A/N: I just put a random name. I just thought it would be nice to have another female character and I like that name so yeah, let's just say it's an original character.)

Before I could talk to her more, Alexei, Ilya, and Dimitri arrived, Alexei being accompanied by a girl while the other two had their arms interlocked. The girl looked at us and then excused herself.

Hermione: Don't you boys look dashing?

Ilya: Right back at you! I swear I saw a couple of guys getting slapped by their girlfriends/dates cause they were looking at you guys.

(Y/N): Did you guys come together?

Dimitri: Yeah. We are trying this out.

I looked at Hermione and Helena before we all squealed and jumped up and down in excitement.

(Y/N): You guys are so cute! We ship it.

Ilya: See? I told you they already suspected we liked each other.

Hermione: Please! Even a blind man could see that.

The Weird Sisters started playing, I looked at Hermione and our new friend Helena, before dragging them to the dance floor, leaving the guys holding our drinks and talking to each other. It felt nice to have another girlfriend, especially since I have a lot of male friends, I might not know anything about her for now but it's clear that she's a good person, that's something my instincts told me and they have yet to be wrong.

We were jumping up and down at the beat, laughing at each other, our hair already a mess but that didn't stop us, we were getting judgy looks from the preppy girls but we just flipped them off and continued having fun. I felt a pair of hands on my waist, I didn't do anything knowing it was Draco, his breath on my neck as we danced to the beat, the girls looking at us and wiggling their eyebrows before getting distracted by their own dates.

By the middle of the song, Professor Flitwick was crowd surfing, though I think that wasn't his intention, Viktor was doing funny dance movements making Helena laugh, Blaise just hyping Hermione up, and Draco and I just dancing and laughing. We all got together, Fred, George, and their dates joining us, and the group danced, I saw Parvati leaving Harry for a Durmstrang boy.

The boys went to get us some drinks, leaving us girls to talk about each of our partners, completely fawning over them.

Ron: So you're dating a snake now? Why don't you switch houses already? You can't even be considered a Gryffindor anymore, ignoring us, and now dating the enemy.

(Y/N): Why don't you leave?

Helena: Just cause you are sulking that doesn't give you the right to ruin our night so move along.

Angela: Yeah, you're such a d*ck.

(Y/N): Maybe if you were a better person, she would still be your friend, she isn't obliged to like you back, you didn't even have the balls to try and ask her out so just move on.

Ron looked flustered and embarrassed but he's the one that started this and we're not about to let him badmouth our friend like that.

Viktor: Is there a problem here?

Ron: No!

Draco: He wasn't talking to you, so shut it. Are you okay, love?

(Y/N): Yeah. He came here, talking sh*t about Hermione.

Blaise: Oh really? Who the f*ck do you think you are. Go grow the f*ck up 'cause a real man doesn't talk sh*t about someone just cause they don't like them back. If you wanna talk sh*t about my girlfriend then you better be prepared for the consequences of it.

Blaise stepped forward, it was the first time I saw him like this, swearing and ready to beat Ron up. Hermione grabbed his arm, stopping him and shaking her head.

Hermione: Forget it. He's not worth the trouble. Let's just have fun, he doesn't even bother me anymore. Thank you for defending me guys.

We all just walked away, leaving him scared sh*tless, after that, we all split up, Draco and I went to the top of the Astronomy tower, dancing peacefully in each other's arms until curfew. What an eventful night.


Word Count: 1280

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