Shrieking Shack

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(Y/N) Pov

I got dragged through the Whomping Willow and now it seemed that I am in the Shrieking Shack, the dog that dragged us transformed in Sirius, I discreetly reached for my wand, not wanting to notice where it was and take it from me, he had a mad look in his eyes but I guess that twelve years can do that to you, especially if you're innocent.

Sirius: (Y/N) Potter, or should I say (Y/N) Riddle?

Ron looked at me with a confused expression, I guess that they still haven't figured out that Harry and I aren't twins. I looked at Sirius with a blank face, I'm not going to let him bother me, I need to focus on finding a way to distract him enough so I can leave.

Sirius: Not going to answer? That's okay, I'm after someone else today, but you know you have Snivellus blood, hanging around the Malfoys, dating one of them even, I guess bad decisions and evilness runs in your family.

Ron looked more out of consciousness than anything so I didn't have to worry about him listening to things that didn't concern him.

(Y/N): Let's not forget who your family was, you don't have the right to say anything about Snape or the Malfoy's, you shouldn't judge me without knowing me or my reasons, especially when you know what that's like, and your godson is not innocent either, to be honest, he's worse than me, his parents would be so disappointed on how he turned out.

Sirius sneered at me but it's not like I said any lies, if we take a look at everything Harry did these last year's we will find out that he's more vicious than any of us, Slytherin could be, his parents fought to keep him alive from my father, knowing that he wouldn't hurt me, thinking he would make good decisions and follow a path full of goodness so if they saw him right now, undermining people, judging them for their houses, treating the person he thinks is his sister like he has, I'm sure they would be disappointed.

I know Professor Lupin is, he was hoping to find out that Harry became a mini James Potter, a person that had a good heart, and did what he thought would be better, even if he and his friends took me away from my mother and father, or maybe a mini Lilly Potter, a person who put the ones she loved above herself, forgiving and that would protect others even if she got hurt in the process, but instead he found someone who would make their parents feel like they failed.

Sirius: Don't dare to mention James and Lilly, they took you in to make sure your father didn't turn you evil, but fate is a funny thing.

(Y/N): You can think whatever you want but I have a choice, and when it comes to it, I'll choose my father because the people that were supposed to show me that bravery was better than cunningness showed me the exact opposite, most people in Slytherin are better than the person that is your godson, Draco included.

He was about to say something, but Harry showed up along with Hermione and Draco, as soon as those two showed up they ran to my side and hugged me, Draco quickly drawing his wand and pointing it at Sirius, putting himself in front of me to protect me in case something went wrong, Harry ran to Ron who had been long forgotten during my conversation with Sirius, I wasn't worried that he had heard something cause the last time I looked at him he was too worried freaking out about his leg and coming in and out of consciousness.

Harry lifted his shaky arm to also point his wand at the man, but he didn't look the bit threatening, Hermione took Draco's place so he could inspect my wound, Harry was yelling at Sirius but I was focusing on Draco who had ripped his shirt to tie it to my leg and try to stop the bleeding until we could get out of here and go to the Medical Wing. The next thing I know Professor Lupin is here, disarming Harry.

Professor Lupin: Well, well, Sirius. We're rather raggedy aren't we? Finally, the body reflects the madness within.

Sirius: Well, you know all about the madness within, wouldn't you Remus?

Professor Lupin helped him up and hugged Sirius I didn't blame him though, this is the first time he has seen his friend in twelve years and now he knows that it wasn't him who framed his two other friends.

Sirius: I've found him, he's here.

Professor Lupin: I know.

Hermione was confused but I just looked at the two men who had obviously missed each other.

Sirius: Let's kill him, and the girl.

My stare hardened, he would kill me just because in his twisted mind I'm evil, Harry looked at me with a smirk thinking of finally getting rid of me.

Hermione: We trusted you. Did you help (Y/N) just to kill her? All this time you've been his friend and planned to kill the sweetest girl I've met.

(Y/N): Hermione, it's not like that. Let him explain. You may not understand now, but once he's done everything will make sense.

Hermione: Fine! But just so you know, I know why you've been missing classes, you're a werewolf.

Professor Lupin: How long have you known? I know (Y/N) but what else is to be expected of one of the brightest witches I've known, I guess I should've expected you to understand seeing as you're right next to her when talking about grades.

Hermione: Since Professor Snape set the essay, but that doesn't matter now, explain yourself.

Sirius: Enough of all this talk, Remus! Let's kill him!

Professor Lupin: Wait!

Sirius: I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!

Professor Lupin looked at us, I knew who they were talking about but everyone else was just confused, Draco gripped my hand tight, scared for my life.

Professor Lupin: Very well. Kill him but do not touch the girl. I'm serious about this, one movement towards her, and I'll disarm you before you can even try. But wait one more minute, let's explain it to them at least.

Harry: He betrayed them! He should just went to Slytherin like the rest of his family, he's as evil as the rest of them.

(Y/N): Shut up and listen, dumbass.

Professor Lupin: It wasn't him. Someone did betray your parents, someone who until recently and with (Y/N)'s help I found out was alive.

Harry: Who was it then?

He couldn't even put the dots together, it's not that hard to figure it out.

Sirius: Peter Pettigrew! He's in this room right now!

He started yelling for Peter to come out but my eyes traveled to the stairs, hearing footsteps approaching, Uncle Snape appeared and disarmed Sirius, but I have a feeling it's not gonna be this easy, I just want this to end, but will it end nicely, I wonder.

Word Count: 1202

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