The Boy With Platinum Hair

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(Y/N) Pov

Harry and I looked around, I was completely in love with the place but then a question came to my mind.

(Y/N): But Hagrid how are we going to pay for the school supplies? We don't have any money.

I probably asked a mindless question because Hagrid laughed.

Hagrid: You don't think your parents died without leaving you something did you? So let's go to our first stop, the wizard bank Gringotts.

He started walking, and I followed close behind him to the building while Harry just lagged, as we went inside there were these little creatures with pointed ears and they looked like they were half bored and half angry all the time.

Hagrid: They're goblins, fascinating creatures but they do have a temper.

As I looked around I noticed most of them were stoic looking, you could see some of them show fragments of emotions, like annoyance.

Hagrid: Miss and Mr. Potter would like to enter their vaults."

You see on the way here Hagrid mentioned that Harry and I had different vaults, I tried to figure out the reason why but nothing came to mind, I heard the goblin behind the desk talking, snapping me from my thoughts to real life.

Goblin Banker: And do they have their keys?

I looked at Hagrid and got worried because I knew that I didn't have a key and I was certain that Harry didn't have one either but as Hagrid started to look in his coat for something I relaxed because I realized that he had the keys to our vaults.

Hagrid: Here it is.

Hagrid took out two keys and handed them to the goblin that started to walk ahead of us.

He lead the way to some carts, it was almost like a roller coaster, as it quickly went to our vaults I noticed an incredible amount of them as we passed by, taking a glance at the depths of the bank, just taking everything in.

After a while, we got to Harry's vault, I waved at Hagrid, not even glancing at Harry, 'cause he's being an even bigger prick than before, as another goblin banker accompanied me deeper down to my vault.

We stopped in front of what looked like to be a really old-looking vault, without saying anything he took out my key and looked at me, almost as if waiting for something, my mind felt like it went black in my mind, and words started coming out of my mouth, I couldn't register what I was saying, only paying attention to the fact that they sounded like a hiss.

The door opened and my mind felt light, I walked inside mesmerized but I couldn't take long, so I left the exploring for a later date and took the amount needed for the school supplies and anything else that I could want.

I met both of them at the entrance of the bank, still stuck on what happened moments before. As we walk out of the building Hagrid said he had something to do so we went to get our wands, we entered a wand shop called Olivanders but there was no one inside as we called for someone a man came behind the shelves that were full of wand boxes.

Stranger: Here for a wand Mr. and Miss Potter?

He displayed a grin full of life that made it very clear that he loved doing what he did.

(Y/N): Yes, please.

I smiled at him as I went to the counter for him to measure my dominant arm. After he was finished with that task he went again behind the shelves and a few seconds later he came back with a box, he opened the box and told me to flick it and that's what I did as I did that rays of light came from the tip of the wand and I couldn't help but think that it was beautiful.

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