Stressful Day

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(Y/N) Pov

I made my way to Harry, my wand long forgotten on the floor, I vaguely remember feeling Hermione's hands on my arm, trying to keep me in place so I wouldn't kill the person that my anger was directed on. He was on the ground, crawling backwards, trying to get away from me but didn't have enough strength on his legs to stand. I aggressively brushed off Hermione's hands, I know she was probably hurt about how aggressive I was but right now I can't help it. Draco was still crying on the ground and Hagrid was trying to calm down the Hypogrif to make sure it didn't hurt anyone else, or at least that's what he was doing before cause I felt my feet leaving the ground, stopping me from making my way to Harry.

When I looked to who picked me up, I found Hagrid's face, I thrashed around trying to get out of his hold but he didn't even move a little, he crouched down to grab Draco in the most gentle way possible as to not make me even angrier than I was already. I grabbed Draco's good hand and held it close to my chest, my heart was racing but I didn't care, I just wanted to be able to take his pain away, but I couldn't, I had to watch him flail around in pain, it was agonizing almost as if I could feel his pain.

I tried to reach out to him even more while we were both being carried in Hagrid's arms but every time I tried I was pushed back, when we got to the Medical Wing, Madam Pomfrey came running, shouting orders at the panicked half-giant. I pulled a chair and sat next to the bed he was put in, Madam Pomfrey was running around getting the supplies needed to soothe his pain for some time while she before she put the cast on him.

Draco: (Y/N)...

I quickly looked at his face finding him looking at me and reach out to my face with his good hand to clean the tears that were running down it, his gentle touch giving me all the comfort I needed on this stressful day, the doors of the Medical Wing opened again revealing our friends, that had worried expressions on and I couldn't blame them for that, Draco, the guy that people say only shows emotion near me cried out in pain in front of everyone. All this because of Harry, not only did he hurt someone extremely dear to me but he's also trying to ruin his reputation.

Draco: Please stop crying. I'm okay now, so please don't worry.

I nodded but the tears wouldn't stop, all that anger I felt, slowly became sadness and it was leaving me in the form of tears, my sobs gradually decreased to hiccups, making Draco let out a small amused laugh.

Draco: You're adorable even when you're crying.

I glared a bit at him but a smile made its way to my face, only he could be flirting and complimenting me after getting hurt not even caring if our friends were looking at us, wanting to know what exactly was our relationship, curious to see if we were just best friends or something more. Madam Pomfrey came back with the cast to help him move around, not that I would let him lift a single finger from his injured hand, she also gave me some medicine for his pain and told me to make sure he took them and I glanced at her completely serious before nodding my head.

When we left the Medical Wing it was now late in the afternoon and we had to go to the Dining Hall, once we got there, we were swarmed with people asking Draco questions, making me rub my head and let out a sigh, this was a nightmare, every time Draco opened his mouth to answer a question it got distorted by someone else and rumors and lies were rapidly spreading around the castle.

I pushed everyone away and glared at them while yanking Draco behind me to keep him from saying something and to keep everyone else stopping the false rumors that would be a pain in the ass to explain later on. A random Gryffindor girl suddenly came forward and slapped my hand away from Draco's and started pulling him back to the crowd by his injured arm.

I used the same glare, I have used on Harry before and everyone seemed to freeze.

(Y/N): What do you think you're doing?

My voice was sharp and menacing making her take a step back, shivering in fear, Draco just smirked at her, knowing that this has been the worst day ever and that I needed to blow off the anger that didn't leave with my tears.

(Y/N): You've caught me on a really bad day, so I'm only going to ask once more, What do you think you're doing?

A Ravenclaw girl came forward and tried to get the poor shivering Gryffindor student out of my sight but I only chuckled and walked towards them, the brave front of the Ravenclaw girl crumbling to the ground with every step I took.

(Y/N): You step forward with such a brave face but it was to the ground as soon as you look into my eyes, maybe next time this will tell you and your friends to keep out of business that doesn't concern you. Capito? And for all of you who are wondering that meant "understood?" In Italian.

Ravenclaw: I will not back down, you're such a petty little girl and you don't monopolize Draco like that, you should let him hang out with us, after all, we are so much better than you.

I heard Draco click his tongue, he hated when someone spoke badly about me, he got as protective and positive as I do.

(Y/N): Who the hell do you think you're talking to? You should show me respect.


Word Count: 1015

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