Quidditch Tryouts

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(Y/N) Pov

It was now lunchtime and other than Harry's comment in Herbology class, nothing happened, which I was quite glad about, I don't think I could handle another argument between us, at least for today,so I had to enjoy this peacefulness while it lasted.

Draco: You look better than this morning.

He had a happy expression, and even if he didn't have a smile on his face, you could see how he felt from a mile away.

To be honest, he was right, I had decide to not worry about the later I had found this morning until I actually open it, it would only give me a headache and make me overthink it.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better, thank you for not pushing me to tell you what was wrong with me, even though I worried you a lot.

He was going to say something, but got interrupted by a owl entering the Great Hall to deliver a letter, if I wasn't mistaken it was the Weasley's owl.

People stopped eating their lunches only to focus on the letter delivered to Ron and I must admit that I could understand why, after all, Ron had just received a Howler.

The Great Hall was really quiet, so quiet that you could hear if a pin got dropped, that silent was cut off by Mrs. Weasley's voice coming from the now open Howler.

Mrs. Weasley: Ronald Weasley! How dare you steal that car! I am absolutely disgusted! Your father's facing a inquiry at work and it's intirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home! Oh, and Ginny, dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor.

After the message was over, the Howler turned into shreds. Ron looked absolutely terrified and I couldn't blame him, his mother was livid, even I was a little scared after hearing her letter. Soon enough everyone lost interest and continued eating.

(Y/N): Hey, Draco are you nervous?

Draco seemed a little bit on edge, people that don't know him may think he looks like his normal self but I knew better.

Draco: About what?

He must have thought that I forgot about what's happening today.

(Y/N): About your Quidditch tryouts, of course, it's okay to be nervous but I know you'll be amazing, you practiced for this the whole summer besides I'll be there to cheer you on.

This seemed to calm his nerves down a little bit, Professor Snape stopped in front of us.

Snape: Mr. Malfoy, good luck today.

He went away but I could see that it made Draco more proud and confident. He made our way to the field, I had to say in the stands even if I was on the team. The only person who could stay on the field, besides the people trying out, was the Captain.

Draco would be up against the people that were also  aiming to be a Seeker, the first one to catch the Snitch would win that spot.

I was kinda scared that  something would happen to Draco, Quidditch isn't the safest sport there is, people can fall off their brooms, hit by Bludgers, anything could happen,but I knew he would be alright.

He looked in my direction and I gave him a smile and a thumbs up in encouragement. They took off, my eyes never left Draco's figure.

He was just on his broom trying to find the Snitch, he must have seen it cause the second later, he rushed to the other side of the field.

The other guys following him, but he was faster, he dived down, almost collapsing on the ground making me flinch, the people following him didn't have the courage to do what he just did so they waited for him to come back up.

I took my eyes off them for a few moments, only to see some of the people laying on the ground cause the fell.

Flint had kicked out almost everyone from the field, I looked for Draco only to find him catching the Snitch.

He looked at me, pure glee in his eyes, a smirk on his face that said "I'm better than all of you", but I didn't really mind that.

Flint stopped the tryouts, having already seen enough, I could tell he was  kinda pissed that he had to watch this but he had to since its his duty as Captain.

I made my way down to the field so I could congratulate Draco, he was talking to Flint. He always tried to get in Draco's good side, cause the power the Malfoy's hold in the Wizard World but I knew that wasn't why Draco got in team.

He saw me entering that field and came running to me, it was sweet, people were looking at us but that was nothing new.

(Y/N): Congratulations Angel, I knew you could do it, I'm so proud of you.

Draco: Thank you for believing in me, Princess.

We decided to go to the Common Room, so he could write a letter to his dad saying that that he got in the team.

I left him alone for that and headed to my room, grabbing the letter. I opened it and gasped in shock.

My dear (Y/N),

They're all lying to you but we'll meet soon and you'll find out everything, all these secrets will disappear.

                                    T. M. R.



Hey guys, this chapter is a little shorter than the others, sorry for the delay on the update, just to remind you that I will be updating weekly and that I don't have specific day to update. Hope you guys like this chapter and thank you for the support 😊.

Word Count: 965

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