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(Y/N) Pov

Today we will be doing our OWLs. I wasn't really worried about them, due to Lucius, Father, Uncle, and Narcissa Draco and I excelled in all our classes.

And we taught our group everything we knew, both practical and theoretical, so I had nothing to worry about except for the fact that I had yet to put my eyes on the troublesome twins that I liked so much. After my talk with Hermione this morning, I knew that they had helped the poor first-year who had come running back to our Common Room, and according to her they were very upset after hearing the boy's pained sobs, so I knew that they were about to do something possibly reckless.

We were now doing our Theory of Charms OWLs and I was already done with mine, I glanced at my friends, seeing them all calmly but rapidly writing their answers, I curiously looked at Harry and Ron, they seemed to be struggling, anxiously scratching their heads and nervously bouncing their legs.

The pink toad stood in the front of the room, just looking at all of us with that irritating smile of hers. I continued to look around the room when loud bangs were heard from outside, I sighed and looked at Draco knowing that this was probably the work of the twins.

The old hag dropped her smile, a furious expression now replacing it, she quickly made her way to the door. And as she opened it a small firework appeared in front of her, only to pass her and enter the room before exploding into a beautiful sight right before our eyes.

She kept stepping away from the door, I put my hand on my head with a small smile on my face as the twins zoomed past the old hag on their brooms making her lose her balance.

Fred/George: All right, Professor.

The students around me cheered as their papers were thrown up in the air by the wind caused by the brooms and from the twins' spells, more fireworks were released, Umbridge came back inside as she dodged the fireworks with a horrified look on her face. Fred and George gave each other a high five before setting the fireworks to go after the Inquisitorial Squad, leaving Draco out of it, of course.

They talked to each other before throwing more fireworks in the air, forming a huge dragon high up in the room, Umbridge stumbled back terrified as the sparkly dragon came in her direction growling, as it got too close she quickly turned back to run out of the rooms but she wasn't fast enough, the dragon's mouth closed around her before exploding into small fireworks destroying all her precious Decrees.

She stood there, with messed up hair and burnt clothing as the twins went past her heading outside this time taking us with them, I somehow managed to find Draco amidst the chaos of students, I smiled at him while grabbing his hand and dragging him outside. A big sparkly W proudly displayed up in the sky, and I could have sworn I saw Professor Flitwick cheer with the rest of the students but in the next second, he was back to being the respectful teacher we all know.

Everyone was cheering, I mean everyone except Harry who looked like he was about to pass out, and I knew that Father must be messing with him again. He quickly went to Ron and dragged him back inside the castle, and not even five minutes later the Inquisitorial Squad was being called to Umbridge's office along with all the members of Harry's little group.

I made sure to ask Father about what he had shown Harry since Father blocks my side of our connection when he messes with Harry, especially after that night when I was woken up by it.

I received a message right back. But according to Father he had not shown him anything, he didn't want to risk accidentally distracting me during my OWLs, so someone else had to have done it, someone who wouldn't benefit from showing me the same things they did Harry, and only person came to mind, Dumbledore.

He knew that if he had shown me anything, I wouldn't believe it and that I had ways to confirm it, but he couldn't have shown Harry anything about my Father, after all, he doesn't know he is back, we have been very careful about it.

Being so deep in thought I didn't even notice when my arm was grabbed, I did notice when I started being dragged, I struggled against the tight grip.

I looked at the person dragging me, seeing the Inquisitorial Squad badge on his chest, a face I couldn't put a name to, a seventh-year with a deep scowl on his face as he dragged me down a path I did recognize, Umbridge's office.

I didn't know why I was being dragged to that b*tch's office but I could only imagine that it had something to do with Harry and whatever story he spun to get out of trouble.

Umbridge: Ah. Miss Riddle so glad you could join us.

I glanced around the room, Harry's little group was looking at him with disdain, all but Ron, always the loyal dog. Draco looked furious, his hands and teeth clenched, his pupils enlarged, and his beautiful stormy grey eyes overshadowed by their black.

Hermione was dragged inside only a few moments after I did, the confusion on her face reflecting mine, what the hell is going on?

(Y/N): Professor, may I know what I did? After all, I was dragged here.

Umbridge: I caught your brother trying to use my Floo Network, after gathering his whole group he told me that he was only trying to go to the Ministry of Magic to get security, according to him you have been doing your fair share of illicit activities and that you were planning something dangerous, you understand that as Headmistress I cannot overlook this matter.

The scowl on her face told me that whatever Harry told her didn't matter, she had been trying to get to me ever since that first punishment but I hadn't crossed the line so she couldn't justify to the Minister why she tortured someone he told her to leave alone.

So Harry's lies were the perfect excuse, she thought this is my chance, but even with this lie as a weak excuse the Minister wouldn't be happy about this because Lucius would be furious if so much as a hair on my head was damaged, and he will release all that anger on the Minister, and we all know how Lucius gets when he is angry. The Minister will lose his support and if he does it will be his downfall, but this is all his fault after all he should have kept her on a tighter leash.


Word Count: 1163

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