Unknown Feelings

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(Y/N) Pov

Now at Hogwarts grounds, excitement ran through me, I wondered what I would learn this year, what would Professor Snape have in store for us.

I was in the Dining Hall along with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle, those two having shortly arrived near us before we left the train. The people from the other tables were looking at Harry and me and murmuring, probably talking about the Dementor incident.

I rolled my eyes, every year is the same thing, something happens and everyone finds out and can't mind their own business, Draco was glaring at them making them avoid his eyes and stop looking at me which I was grateful for.

After the choir finished singing, Dumbledore started his speech, he introduced Professor Lupin as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher and despite already knowing this I couldn't help but look at Snape, he still sported his usual stoic expression but I could see behind that, he was annoyed and angry which made me believe that he and the new teacher had a past and not a good one at that.

Ron turned around from the Gryffindor table and was trying to get my attention by calling my name when I finally turned around to see what he wanted I found him smirking at me, which I thought looked bad on him, he couldn't pull a smirk off to save his life and that was amusing.

Ron: I heard you fainted, I don't know why the Dementor even went after you, you don't seem to be the kinda person they would find appealing.

(Y/N): Maybe instead of being here bad-mouthing me in hopes of getting me pissed, you should worry about your friend there that passed out and had to be saved by a teacher, I heard he was talking nonsense after he woke up. Oh, and don't smirk ever again, it's just not a good look for you maybe you should leave it to the people that can pull it off.

He already knew of what happened on the train due to Hermione's answer when we finished getting dressed but in his head, this was a good opportunity to embarrass me and I wasn't going to let him get that satisfaction.

I could see his face turning red in embarrassment, Fred and George laughed at Ron, I liked them and they were good to me, they didn't care about the lies Harry spread about me.

I could tell they were proud of the answer I gave their brother, I had talked to them this summer and apparently, they weren't liking Ron's attitude, they felt like someone needed to take Ron off his high horse and I just happened to beat everyone else to it, my attention turned to Dumbledore once he announced that Hagrid would be our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Hagrid clumsily got up knocking stuff from the table, I applauded along with everyone else, a cheerful smile on my face.

I was about to turn to Draco and ignore the rest of Dumbledore's speech, still feeling angry about the lies I was told, when he announced that the Dementors would be guarding the school until Sirius Black was captured. I wasn't afraid of the Dementors, I knew how to protect myself from them but my body froze at the mention of Sirius Black, I looked at Draco and I knew he was thinking the same as me, this year I would have to follow the advice Lucius gave me before we departed and not cause any trouble.

Not that I go out of my way and look for trouble, but I always seem to find myself in the middle of a problem that can cost me my life, my mind going back to the Dementor that attacked me on the train, I knew that as soon as word of it reaches Lucius, both Draco and I will be bombarded with letters asking if we were alright and what exactly had happened, I also knew that he won't be happy with Dumbledore's decision of keeping the Dementors at Hogwarts and putting Draco and me in danger.

Dumbledore thought that the Dementors could protect us from Sirius Black but we never know what to expect from these creatures especially if they are searching for a criminal, Dumbledore warned us to not anger a Dementor and to not give them reasons to harm us and I couldn't help but scoff at that, I was attacked by them without doing anything and he expected us to know what exactly the Dementor could consider as a threat or what could anger them, I rolled my eyes and that's when I noticed two stares coming from the teacher's table.
I looked at the teacher's table, looking at Snape finding him already looking at me, a determination passed his eyes, at that moment I knew that he was ready to tell me what he didn't last year, the conversation we had after I came back from the Chamber replaying in my head, he seemed close and affectionate with my mother judging by the way he talked that time, but not in a romantic way, I looked beside him and Professor Lupin was looking at us with a knowing look, he knew what Snape had to tell me.
I felt slightly uncomfortable with the two teachers staring at me and I squirmed in my seat, it was unnerving to feel their stares, both knowing something about me, but not saying anything about it. Seeing my uncomfortable state, Draco put his arm around me, his hand almost as if blocking the stares of getting to me, I looked at him and kissed his cheek in a silent thanks, he smiled at me for a moment and proceeded to take a bite of the green apple in his other hand. I suddenly felt conscious of Draco's arm on my shoulder, that tingling feeling appearing again, my face felt like it was on fire, my heart was racing. What's happening to me?


Word Count: 1014

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