He's Back

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(Y/N) Pov

I looked around but there was no one in sight, the only recognizable thing was the reaper statue on what seemed to be a grave, I had seen it before in my dreams.

Harry: This is all your fault, b*tch!

(Y/N): How is this my fault, you, narcissistic idiot?

Cedric: Honey, do shut up.

(Y/N): Listen, here, you little twat. First, I'm not your honey. Second, tell me to shut up again and I'll skin you alive.

He looked shocked for a minute but not because of what I said but because I spoke back at him, which is weird cause I always talk back, especially when I'm told to shut up by gits. Then a thought hit me.

(Y/N): What? Surprised? Were you expecting me to be compliant? Submissive maybe? Isn't that what you expected when you somehow made me drink something that would let you control me?

Cedric: I don't know what you're talking about.

(Y/N): Oh? Is that why you turned so pale all of the sudden?

Before we could all back to bickering with each other, a person approached us making all of us go quiet, I scowled seeing Peter Pettigrew. Cedric pointed his wand at him, but another voice sounded through the graveyard, and even in such a weak state I knew who it belonged to.

Father: Don't kill the spare, it seems he has some paying to do.

Peter: Immobulus!

Cedric fell to the ground paralyzed and I can't say I feel sorry for him, after all, he did or try to at least.

Harry: This was your plan all along wasn't it, you wh*re? What did you fall in love with him back in our second year, was that it? Draco, Snape, Voldemort. Quite a collection you have there. Surprised you didn't want to add Cedric to it. But then again he was too good for you.

(Y/N): What the f*ck are you on about? Did you take drugs before entering the maze?

Harry: No, I'm merely saying things how they are. Do you like wh*ring around?

Father: How dare you?

The next thing I know, Harry is being trapped by the statue and I'm being pinned to the ground, my anger at a sky-high level right now, first Cedric, then Harry, and now I'm being pinned down by my dad's disgusting servant.

(Y/N): Get the f*ck off me!

Peter: No can do. I wonder though if your father will reward you to be for bringing him back to life.

(Y/N): No way in hell! Now I won't say it again. Get the hell off me!

He didn't move, he just looked down at me and licked his lips, making me want to puke. My wand wasn't within my reach, having been knocked out of my hand when I was taken down. My mind went back to Professor Lupin's tutoring lessons, I had a plan now I just needed to think of the more suited spell. After thinking of the spell, I tried saying it in my head, not wanting to screw this up but not even a second later Wormtail was flying away from me. At first, I thought someone had come to the graveyard and saw the situation I was in but there was no one new on the scene.

Father: It seems you've gotten stronger, my dear.

Wormtail got up, he looked annoyed as if I cared, I picked up my wand and pointed it at him when he advanced in my way once again.

Father: Don't you dare, Wormtail. I will deal with you later. And (Y/N), dear, don't kill him yet, I still need him alive. Do it! Now!

Wormtail scurried away, picking up what seemed to be my father's frail and skeleton-like body and putting him in the cauldron in front of me

My Brother's Enemy (Draco Malfoy x Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ