Chapter 66

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  "Mr. Li." Qiao repeatedly met with Mr. Li and put down the cakes he had given him. Finally, he cared about the old man's illness. "In the past few days, does the old man still have symptoms such as breathing difficulties?

    " It's better after taking Madam's medicine." Mr. Li exchanged a few words with her before returning to his study.

    In the early years, when Mrs. Li was still alive, the private school served meals at noon.

    Later, Mrs. Li was gone, and the private school was cancelled.

    If there are students who are close, they will go home and eat for themselves, and those who are far away will eat some, not far from the market in Xiyang Town.

    Gu Cheng will take the one.

    This is equivalent to day students having to eat a small stall outside the school at noon. Qiao repeatedly worried that his eldest son would not eat well, so he gave him ten cents every day.

    This kid is frugal and spends up to two articles a day. Asking how to eat is nothing more than buying a steamed bun and pickling vegetables, and eating a bowl of Yangchun noodles.

    Nine-year-old and ten-year-old are just when they are growing up. How can they eat well when they eat these?

    Qiao repeatedly put the sturdy meal wrapped in cotton on the small table. Once opened, the smell of thick oil and red sauce wafted out, attracting Mr. Li and the other students who hadn’t left to swallow. saliva.

    Someone snorted very dissatisfied.

    Qiao Lianlian was a little embarrassed, but she didn't bring too much, so naturally she couldn't share it with these people.

    "Brother, let's eat." Gu Que handed over the bowl and chopsticks.

    Gu Cheng didn't eat it immediately. Instead, he took an empty bowl, set aside half of the food, and sent it to the study respectfully.

    When he came back, he slowly started to eat.

    Qiao nodded secretly.

    Neither of the mothers left in a hurry, so they sat next to each other and watched Gucheng for dinner.

    After about half a tea time, the door of Mr. Li's house was knocked again, and this time Qiao took the initiative to open the door again and again.

    As soon as the doorbolt was pulled, the door was pushed open urgently, accompanied by a rushing sound, "Young Master, Young Master, the younger one is late, late."

    The man hurriedly drilled in and bumped into it. Qiao didn't even apologize on his shoulders, and ran up to a little boy.

    The little boy looked as though he was only ten years old, he was not ugly, and his clothes were quite luxurious, in stark contrast with Gu Cheng who was wearing rough linen clothes.

    "Why did you come? Do you know that I am starving to death." Who knows, he said that, destroying the still exquisite image, "Hurry up and bring my food, otherwise I will let you get out of my house."

    "Yes ." Yes, what the young master said.

    Qiao breathed out from the end of his nose again and again, and curled his lips secretly.

    She thought that Mr. Li taught good children who were eager to learn, but she was a little surprised to know that there was a weed in the good flower or the unbearable weed.

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