Chapter 120 (County Exam results)

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Since he decided to help Second Brother Liu, Qiao Lianlian had to scour his mind about fish dishes.

    Steamed fish, braised fish, needless to mention, they are all old dishes in Sixi Lou.

    What Qiao Lianlian wants to do is to make fish different from the current old dishes.

    After thinking about it for a long time, she decided to make a garlic fried fish first.

    First clean up the fishy lines and intestinal mucosa of the carp and other sources of fishy smell, then draw a few lines, put the onion and ginger in the pot and steam them over high heat until they are cooked, but not for too long, so that the fish meat will not taste too old.

    During this period, I used white sugar and rice vinegar to mix the salt to make the sweet and sour taste, and then put in the rich fresh powder, soy sauce, sesame oil and sesame oil to make a very rich dipping sauce.

    When the fish is fully cooked, place the minced garlic on the fish.

    Heat oil in another pot, add dry chili and peppercorns when the oil is hot, fry until fragrant, preferably the chili is slightly discolored, scoop up the hot oil at the bottom of the pot and pour it on the minced garlic.

    The fragrant hot oil touches the minced garlic, arousing a richer fragrance, and then quickly pours the prepared sauce.

    A garlic fried fish is out of the pot.

    When Qiao took the fish out of the kitchen again and again, the aroma of dried chili and garlic made the people around him salivate, and the shopkeeper Hu shook his head and said, "It turns out that there is another way of doing fish besides steaming and braising. The fragrance is true. Fragrant."

    After eating a mouthful of tender and full-flavoured fish, he was full of praise and bluntly said that this dish would replace the position of Luwei in Sixilou.

    "If Mrs. Qiao doesn't make a move, it's amazing. I didn't expect that this oily garlic can be used on fish in addition to cucumbers. It's really ingenious, ingenious." He laughed.

    Qiao smiled again and again, "Don't be happy, shopkeeper Hu, and then find a master for me to help fillet the fish."

    "Fish? But to make fish fillets, Master Zhou will do it." Shopkeeper Hu immediately sent for Master Zhou to give called over.

    Sixi Lou can open four or five branches in Xieyang County, and it is impossible to rely on only one Sixi ball.

    For example, fish fillet and fish fillet porridge are Master Zhou's specialty.

    "Miss Qiao wants fish fillets? What kind of fish fillets do you want, with or without thorns, just talk about it." Since the last time he saw how Qiao Lianlian repaired the Yunxi Building, Master Zhou had said to this extremely slender lady. Five-body cast.

    Now, in the entire Sixi Building, except for the owner Han Zhao, Qiao Lianlian admires him the most.

    "I want black fish." Qiao repeated, "Separate the head and tail, and remove the bones in the middle to ensure that there are no thorns."

    This is all craftsmanship. Qiao can cook and cook again and again, but this craft is not superb. Scratched hands.

    The so-called art industry has a specialization, and she simply handed the craft to the craftsman.

    Master Zhou is a formidable man. He understood it as soon as he heard it. He caught a black fish and dealt with it next to him.

    Qiao Lianlian opened the small jar she had called before, and a sour smell came to her face.

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