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"Hey! Chris...Christian!!"

My name was called. It was Tuesday and we was walking home from school. I keep to myself because I had enough if getting beat up and pushed around by Anton today. Turning around looking to see who was calling me. Then seeing this girl with a blue jean skirt and pink tank top running up from behind. She had some big hips and I was surprised the skirt didn't give out. She was kicking up dust running pass Tye and Anton. Finally reaching me she stops to catch her breath. Looking at her I notice it was the girl who I run track with. Matilda, I believe.

"Hey Chris... I was trying to catch you before you left school."

I stared her down wanting to know what did she want.

"Aye look we are throwing a party for Carlson you know the Anchor."

I just nodded my head. Before the girl could continue Anton and Tyrese caught up with us.

"Aye shit bruh who this?"

Anton said gawking at the girl. Like didn't you just get done begging to Shamya.

" I'm Matilda...but I go by Mat but I __."

"Well shit Mat shawty what you trying to get into."

Tyrese said causing me to boil inside. Like I wasn't standing there. I know he was trying to be cool for me, but damn can you not act an complete ass in front of me.

"Nothing... What I was trying to say is...the party Chris. Do you want to come?"

"O no__."

"Yes he will! And We gonna make sure he there."

"O... ok well its starting at 10 so and its at my house. Here let me give you my number so I can text you my address."

She said taking my phone and putting in her number. I was pissed because I don't know how to socialize, and Anton agreed for me to go because he wanted the girl. Besides Carlson was never that welcoming to me. He harassed me just as much as Anton.

Making it home mama was in the kitchen making her and Pops something to eat.

"How yall day was?"

"Awful Shamya mad at me cause some random hoe called her telling her we messed around."

"Ok one cuss again in my house and I'm snatch your tongue out and tie it around your neck. Two... I'm not surprise you need to stop having all these kinds of girls. Shamya the best one you had."

"Ok but mama I don't mess with nobody but her."

"Mhm I hear ya but you gotta prove that to her. Gone in there and call her and make it right."

Mama said giving Anton his phone and pushing him to his room.

"And how was yall day.?"

"It was eventful."

Tyrese said cutting his eyes at me. I started blushing hard.

"Chris got invited to a party."

"Well ok...I hope you going."

"I wasn't. I don't know how to socialize."

"Boy hush that. You too young to be talking like that. You talk to your brother and Tye you do know how to."

"But mama__!"

"Uh uh you going to that party. You need to make a couple of new friends."

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