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I felled up against the door on the inside. I was melting like a school girl. I'm not going to lie besides Tye, I had a little crush on Carlson since we started hanging as friends. You know how you be crushing on the one person and you be like all I just want is to suck it or ride it or whatever. All I wanted was to have that one moment and we just did whatever. Something that I dream about had just came true and it was so good. If I wasn't so scared that I would break my neck I would do a back flip.

"Aye...nigga why you on the floor."

I heard Tye yelled out to me. Bringing me back I forgot these two idiots were drunk and all loaded.

"Can yall shut up Moms in the room sleep."

"Man so.... shit we got lite tonight lil bro."

Anton spoked. I'm surprise that he even spoked to me. Maybe it was the alcohol talking. They were carrying on little some clucking hens. Giggling at stupid stuff while trying to make them a sandwich to eat.

"Move gimme me that."

"Oh...look at you. Trying to make your man a sandwich."

Anton said leaning back in the chair. I paused like what he just say. Did he know what he just say. I looked at him and he had was looking at me smiling like the joker.

"Yea...Any you drunk. You tripping for real."

"Nah don't flex you fixing that nigga his shit."

"Hell yea...take care of yo nigga "

Tyrese added in. Rubbing his hands up my legs under my shorts. I caught him just before he got to my thighs and smacked his hand away.

"Damn ain't got to be like that."

"Ooo somebody mad now."

"Man both of yall need to shut the hell up. Damn."

I said making the last sandwich. Tossing it on to Ant plate. I stormed off to my room. They didn't give a damn they were still rolling laughing. I hate me a drunk fool.

It was getting late. The house was quiet. I was up watching TV. It had to be two something in the morning. I could hear Ant ass snoring all the way in my room. I was still a lil wired about what Anton had said. Like did he know? Did Tyrese say something to him?

" up?"

My door crept open. It was Tyrese. I'm guessing he needed to rest a little cause he seems a lot soberer.

"What you doing?"

He side closing the door. Coming over to me his gave me a peck on the lips and laid down beside me.

"I can't sleep."

"Me dick was getting hard cause I was thinking bout you. I needed to cuddle up with this juicy booty."

Tyrese joked gripping my butt and jiggling it.

"Tye stop... I'm serious"

" just needed me to come lay with you."

"No... for real I can't."

I said changing the fine in my voice.

"Oh...ok why not?"

" I don't know like that shit Ant said. Like it really fucked with me tonight."

"And so they nigga was drunk. Bae don't let that get to you come on let's go to sleep."

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