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For the past couple of days that shit has been riding me about talking to Anton bout me and Tyrese. Like I haven't really came up with the solid courage to face him. With mama knowing is one thing but with Ant it's another. After those couple days of mourning everything went back to normal. Mama staying busy at work and Anton all up Shamya ass and then some random female ass when she not around. Tyrese still been trying his best to get me alone but since my mama outing me yea it just becoming that much complicated. Now I choose to try and stay gone with mat and Carlson most of the day and on some nights (now that we are back talking) I chill over at Shayvez. He also still trying to get at me, but I don't know excluding the fact he was an annoying terror in school I am honestly kind of into him. So now I'm just letting things flow and who knows where they will go.

The school finally bell rung sounding for us to leave for home. Good cause I had a long day with all these tests. Making my way to my locker to retrieve my things my phone vibrated with a call from Tyrese.

"Aye you riding with us cause we outside waiting."

"No Ima hang back and chill with Mat and Carlson for a minute."

"Damn its like you never want to chill anymore since that day with your ma."

"Tye you and I know why but we'll talk later."

"That what you always say bruh. Ight better not have no other nigga for real."

"Bye Tye"

I said ending the call. As soon as I hung up with Tye my sight went dark. Somebody had covered my eyes.

"Aye yo chill stop! Who is this?"

"You know who?"

He said letting me go I turned around and saw it was Kivon. Out of all people it had to be his ass. I still was pissed with him from that day. I was instantly boiling inside. In a flash everything that happen that day filled my head and i was ready to kill. Kivon was nothing but a low down dog who fucked my brother and the fact he threw my dirt out to try to cover his was the cherry on top of my anger.

"What the hell you want?"

"Awe shit damn! So you not my friend no more shorty."

"Don't call me that shit. We not cool."

"Mm sound just like your brother. Speaking of which how he doing?"

"You got his number call him."

I said closing my locker and turning to walk away.

"I would but I guess he changed his number on me. But its whateva so what sup with you tho."

"Nigga leave me alone. I don't like you."

"Strange how that happen I remember the first time we met you was damn near ready to give me that booty."

He spoked sounding cocky as ever. Like really could he be anymore anal.

"Kivon for real dude chill. Just leave me alone."

"Shit why...I mean I already done had your brother... need to gone and let me fuck you."

He said pinching at my rear end. I jumped at the motion and shoved him in the chest. Looking ahead to the gym I saw Shayvez standing over by the back exit.

"Look nigga you stay far away from me. Or Ima have Anton stomp you a new ass."

"Look at you getting a brave calling you big brother. But nah you good though shawty no need for that extra I'm out this bitch anyway."

He said backing back walking off in the direction of the cafeteria.

"Aye bruh who was that nigga?!"

"Nobody...just an old friend."

"Mhm...ready to go."

"Yea...and where is we going again?"

"Back to my place. You know to chill and shit."

"Yea figured...I guess."

I replied waving my hand as we walked out and gotten into his little car. A couple minutes later we arrived at his house and as usual we played sneak the fag into the guesthouse. Making sure his grandma wasn't around we headed to the guesthouse.

"You know all this sneaking around is becoming pretty old."

"Yea I know but shit Its just for the moment. When the time right you will meet her."

He said walking on me a hugging me tight. We did our usual little thing played a movie on Netflix and cuddled. Every now and then Shay would try to feel me up when he thought I wasn't aware.

"Damn shawty you cock blocking like a mug today."

"Shay you know how I feel but all that."

"And so...shit you know how I feel.? I'm like a serious case of what the fuck. I mean I got this sexy ass nigga laid up with me but not trying to put up."

"Ok but yet you keep forgetting that you did once upon a time kind of fucked that up when you was shoving dick down my esophagus."

"But yet here you are...laid up with me though. Like it that was a problem why you steady still fucking with me."

Talking about quiet he put me in hush mode.

"Exactly because you liked it and you feeling me."

"That don't just mean___"

"Bruh stop lying! Just be real is you feeling me or nah?!"

"Shay yo__."

"Bruh yes or no."

He spoke with authority in his voice. Crippling my words, he knew the answer.

"Ok yes but___!"


He cut me off connecting our lips. It was like a small firework show going off. Damn his lips were magical. In my head I was like what the hell and my body was wanting it more than I expected.

"OK whoa"

I said pulling back coming to a yield. My lips were tingling with joy.

"Bruh what you doing?"

"Shayvez... Look we...no we can't do this."

"Man stop lying to yourself. You want this just as much as I do."

He stated the obvious. I did and I wanted it badly, but I couldn't get the thought of Tye out my head. We just getting back ok with each other and I couldn't do that to him. Yea I know I'm crazy for thinking like this. After he did that to me but I love him. I knew he love me.

pan> <:

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