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I know I know ok what about him? Well first let me say. He is not my real Uncle he was one if my pops best friends. He ended up moving away awhile back cause of his job. Now the problem I have with him. Long story short at a young age he was always into me. Now he never did molest me or rape me, but he was very sexual or flirtatious with me. Always trying to hold me. Sit me in his lap. He would buy me things just cause. Pop up at my school on random occasions.

One day I remember Pops let him spend the night. Everybody was chilling into the living room. Me I was in my room playing the game. He came in and sat on my bed.

"What you playing lil man?"

"Mortal Combat."

"Ok...can I play?"

"You can but I don't want to beat you up and make you cry?"

"Nah I don't think you can beat me."

"Yes I can."

I said sounding confident in my words.

"Ok lil man I tell you this. If you beat me I'll give you $20. But if I beat you gotta give me a kiss on the cheek."

"Ew why would I do that."

"I thought you was my lil buddy?"

He said trying to sound all sad.

"I am Uncle."

"Ok and friends give their friends kisses. Ok?!"


I agreed. Passing him the other controller. The bet was who ever win five times was the winner.

"Awe Lil man that's five games I win."

"You cheated."

"No I won fair and square so now you got give me a kiss."

He said tapping his left cheek. I look at him crazy for a moment. Then I climbed up on the bed and went to give him a kiss in his cheek. He turned his head causing me to kiss him on the lips. I jumped back in fear as if I done something wrong.

"Oh my look at you. Kissing on the lips."

"you turned your face."

"Its ok lil man. I won't tell nobody ok? This will be our lil secret."

He said pulling me into him and giving me a hug. Ever since that night I knew that what he did was wrong and I never wanted to be around him since then.

"Well hey there lil man?!"

I heard my old nick name called pulling me back to reality. I looked at him standing there smiling at me.

"I'm not your lil man."

"Well you right about that you done grew up now. I need to call you my big boy."

"Or Chris... Chris will do."

I said rolling my eyes and walking into the kitchen. Anton loved Uncle when came around. They were best buddies, doing everything together and while he was faking good uncle with Ant he trying to play house with me.
Walking into the kitchen I saw my mama making some coffee getting ready to rush out the door for work.

"Mama why is he here.?"

"He had vacation time and was going to Miami and he just stopping by to show some love and support."

"He could of skype."

"Oh boy hush up! He just here until Wednesday then he will be gone."

"Really two days mama. Two day___ "

"Boy if you don't lower your tone so help me god Ima choke slam you in this kitchen."

She said shutting me down quickly.

"Now like I said two days and then he gone. I don't know why you are acting like this he use to be your buddy back then and now all a sudden you can't stand him. I swear y'all young folks change moods like a woman with mood swings."

"He was never my friend. Maybe Anton but not mines."

"I don't care. That man was your father best friend and you shall give him some respect. Now I'm done with this conversation I'm about to be late for work messing with you. Give me a hug so I can go."

She Demanded, I hugged and kissed her on the cheek and she left out the kitchen and out the door. Walking back into the living room Tyrese was laid out on the love seat on his phone laughing with Anton and That snake.

"Man why the fuck you staring at him so hard nigga!"

Ant shouted breaking my deep thought.

"I was thinking about something thank you."

"Yea think yo ass down the hall somewhere nigga."

"You ain't my damn father last time I check I had buried his ass."

"Nigga watch yo fucking mouth when you are talking about my fucking pops.!"

Anton said jumping up of the sofa walking in my direction. uncle and Tyrese both moving quickly to get in between us. Holding Anton back Tyrese pushed me down the hall to my room...

"I'm really bout tired of his shit for real Tyrese."

"Man chill let that shit go. He only doing shit to fuck with you."

"Man fuck him! That was my dad too. Everything that comes out his fucking mouth got to be fucking negative."

I said huffing and puffing. Walking back in forth around in my room. I was steaming and all I wanted to do was drag Anton ass. Then a knock came at the door. Creeping open It was Uncle.

"Aye lil man you good?!"

"Yea I'm good...but stop calling me that shit."

"Ok ok my bad...but umm aye Tye Ant wanna holler at you."

" sure you good Chris.?"


I said rushing him off. Tyrese walked out the door and Uncle stepped in. I sat on my bed and stared down at the floor.

" that was something serious. Yall rocking like that."

"Yea... But I'm good you can leave."

I said dismissing him.

"Damn...I mean its been a minute since I seen y'all. I just wanna catch back up for lost time. Why are you giving me the cold shoulder."

"Because there is no lost time. You good we not cool like that."

"We used to be. You remember me buying you stuff. We used to be real close"

"And now we not...can you please leave."

I said pointing to the door. Raising his hands up like he surrendered. He got up and walked to the door.

"Aye umm...I know I been gone long and I don't know much about you like that. But I just say damn...that ass done gotta fat."


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