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Previously on Libidinous Friend

"Dammit Tyrese what is you doing?"

He really couldn't be this mad at me could he? Playing the defense for my own feelings this wasn't something I do the last thing I need is to be seeking over his house just for anybody to see and find out that I'm a closet gay. Gay bashing is something serious are here in my neighborhood. Wait a minute...

"Calm down Chris just think. You already out Tyrese don't stay to far from your house. Just run over and check and see what he up to. Okay it off as if you were just in the neighborhood and you was jogging through and just stopped by. That's all he will open the door and he will be standing there shirtless in his favorite gym shorts free balling waiting on you. You run in and get a quick but and then you go home. It's simple."

Well at least in my head this sound good. Turning down on his street I jogged up his driveway up to his door. Woah my heart started to race. But I'm here now. I rang the doorbell three times and waited. The open slowly opened and Tyrese was standing there just like I was picturing. So far so good.

"Ok ummm...and you here why?"

"To see you. You don't like me now."

"Umm no just trying to see why you here."

"Because I thought about what you said. So I'm here can I come in?"

I said pushing him in the house walking in. Giving him a kiss wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Bruh Chris nah You got to go."

Said pushing me off him.

"No... because I know you don't want me to go."

"Nah bruh for real you got to go it's not a good time."

"Why Tye because you were just mad at me earlier and now you don't want me here like Tye what's good?"

I asked confused to why____

"Bae what the fuck you doing!"



I was stuck. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.


The brunette beauty spoked. I couldn't utter a word.

"Bruh Chris___."

I took off out the door. I couldn't say nothing, all I could think was to run and keep running until I could speak again. I didn't run directly home I didn't know where I was going but I couldn't stop running. Eventually looking around at the familiar scenery I ended up at the school. I ran all the way to the track, but I didn't stop. Hitting the track, I race around that whole track until I could not feel my fingers.


I yelled to the top of my lungs. I dropped to my knees punching at the concrete under me.

"Fuck you!"

I shouted more. Curling down with my head pressed against the cold hard ground. I poured out on to the ground like it was a shoulder to cry on. Just fuck how did I do this to myself. I should have known he was not real. He was just playing with me. I was nothing more a toy. Something just to do when he felt like dealing with me. Taking me to his cousin house meeting them it was all for just some fucking joke. I knew joey meant exactly what she said that night. I hated Tyrese some much right now, but I think I hated myself the most.

The next morning I felt sick and I knew I was sick from and being in love with and dog.


My name was shouted from up the hall. I was too emotional to move, I felt like one of those tired and played out drama teen movies when the girl finally have the guy of her dreams and he turns around and breaks her heart. The only thing that was comforting was a thing of chocolate frosting and a box of tissue.

"For real nigga! Fuck you doing get up. We gonna be late for school stupid."

"Ant just go I'll walk I real don't feel like being bothered right now."

"Fuck wrong with you?"

"My business dang just leave me alone!"

I shouted turning over in my bed. Anton slammed my door shut and left. I was too miserable to ride with him just so he can attack me on being in my feelings. Like if someone in their feelings just give them some space.

I got to school and hour later being late to class. I didn't care wasn't like these teachers actually gave a damn about teaching us anything necessary. For all they care is that this is just a job and they get a check. Honestly, I doubt any of these people in here become anything greater than what they is now.

"Mr. Collins how nice of you to finally greet us with your present. You are late and missed half the class."

"Sorry Ms. Conyers I'm n___."

"Excuses are for drunks and husbands Mr. Collins have a seat but you will have detention for the hour you missed."

Wow great I was turning in to a little bad boy. For all this I should have just skipped school. The day seem forever that we were in school and it was only getting worst cause everywhere I turned Tyrese was there. I didn't go to lunch because he was there skip gym because he was there, and he was just chilling with his friends. Finally the bell rung for dismissal. Everybody rushed outside to gather and mingle. I dragged myself back down the hall to Ms. Conyers's classroom to wait out my detention. I was kind of looking forward to this cause for an hour I didn't have to see Tyrese.

"Ah hell nah! What the fuck you doing in here?"

Turning to the door. Shayvez was standing there with and big smile on his face amused as why I was in temporary confinement.

"Shay I'm really not in__."

"Nigga I give no fuck. I asked a question."

"Because I missed half of class this morning so I'm here."

"Oh so you a lil bad boy now?"

He asked walking over sitting in the desk next to me.

"Don't you have a ride waiting on you or a bus to catch?"

"Hell nah...but I got some lips that need to wrap around this dick."

He clowned grabbing his crotch area.

"But nah for real fuck you doing in here?"

"I told you I was late!"

"Well what you doing after this?"

"Going home far away from you."

"Why you got to be a bitch!"

"Shayvez just let me sit in peace."

"Ight but look...real talk gimme your number."


"Nigga you know why...Ima call you later. I might want some head."

"Dude you sound real crazy. Shay that's not happening. We not___."

"Aye man kill all that shit. I told yo ass I was feeling you, so shut that shit down and gimme yo number."

He demanded. Sighing I grabbed his phone and put my number in.

"Ight Ima call you tonight and you betta pick up. Or Ima beat that ass."

"Whatever bye."

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