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"Why Lord! WHYYYY!"

I could hear my mama cries coming from around the corner. It felt like I was in the twilight zone. Everything was moving in slow motion and it felt like everyone was staring at me. As I turned the corner it was still feeling surreal to me. My dad Is dead. Why didn't I stay home damn I just had to run off with Mat and Carlson. What the fuck wrong with me. Then getting caught up in Shayvez.

"What happened?! Ma...what happened?!"

I asked as I reached out for her cause she dropped down to the ground. The tears began to flow from my eyes and Instill couldn't believe it.

"Ma talk to me what Happen to him!"

She was too far gone. Her cries were as of a weeping mother over her young. Damn this was too much.

"Christian finally you here.!"

Shamya called out to me turning the corner. She and Tyrese rushed over to us.

"Shamya what happened?"

I asked again and all she did was look at me. Turning her head to Tyrese he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side. I snatched away from him feeling anger was starting to build inside of me.


"No! I want to know what happened! Tell me dammit!"

I shouted. I was angry and hurt at the same time. Seeing my mama all balled up on the floor kill me inside.

"Tye bruh move... I'll tell him."

Anton said stepping out a room with a doctor. Anton stood in front of me with tears in his eyes. Look like he had been crying for a while himself.

"Ant what__."

I was cut off by him snatching me into a hug. He held me tight and close. Squeezing the life out of me damn near.

"Chris he gone bruh."

"Anton why.... what...happen?"

"They said...the infection in his kidney had build up too much. He was already in his finally stages. Nothing wasn't filtering causing his kidney complete become infected. It had been like that for weeks."

"But pops were taking his medicine I had seen it."

"Doctor said there are as no traces of the medication. His body been like this for weeks."

Anton added sniffling and whipping the tears from his eyes. Before I could speak another word, I looked passed Anton and saw I guess the corners rolling a bed out a room with a body bag on it.

"That's... my... dad."

"Chris no let him go."


I shouted pushing Anton off me and charging at the men. Pushing one against the wall I reached and unzipped the bag and scream out in horror. His face didn't even look the same. He looked all sickly and infected. I touched his face and it was cold as ice. He was blue. He was gone for real. Dead to the world and I wasn't there to stop it.

"Come in Chris bruh!"

"Nooo no no no! That's my dad y'all taking my Dad away whyyyyyy!"

"Man Tye Bruh get his ass up out of here!"

Anton shouted and I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and Lift me into the air. I was carried out of the hospital to the truck.

"Tye no nigga move!"

"Man bruh chill they got to do___!"

"I don't give a fuck! That's my dad y'all not taking him from me!"

"He already GONEE!!!"

Tye shouted. I dropped to my knees and cried even more. Only thing that was going through my head us why he didn't take his medicine? I saw him take them?

"Come on get in the truck...Ima take you___."

"Tye no... I got to stay for ma."

"She got Ant and May you need to go home bruh."

"No I'm not Tye move__."

"Bruh you either get in or Ima put you in. Stop fucking arguing and let's go!"

He raised his voice. I sat there for a moment and then gave in. Getting in the truck we rode off to the house. I sat there quiet in tears, Tye tried to say something but I wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone. Later pulling up at the house Tye cut the car off and sat there.

"Aye Chris lo___."

I didn't even want to give him the satisfaction to even think I was cool with him. Even tho this just happened I was still not dealing with him. I got out the car as he began to talk and walked into the house. I guess he figured not to even bother cause a minute later I heard the truck crank up. Looking out the window I watched him pull out the drive way and leave.
Good you just stay away from me I thought to myself. The house was too quiet now. Normally we would hear pops TV playing. I walked down the hall to his room and stood there staring into the room. Right now, he would either be trying to yell for one of us or in here chatting away with mama. They both would be so tired that sometimes I'll catch them sleep in each other arms. Yet and still his bed was empty. The covers were pull back his house shoes were still sitting right the on the side of his bed. His robe laying across the chair.

I was starting to feel heavy as if I couldn't breathe. Standing there was like watching his soul leave his room. There was nothing, no one there. He was gone, and he wasn't coming back.

"I can't"

I said slowly with more tears forming in my eyes. I had to go I couldn't be in this house alone like this, so I ran. Out the door and as far from the house I could. I was literally feeling like I was two people in one. My body was doing one thinking and my mind another. But where was I going to go?

Ding! Dong!

I rang the doorbell praying that he would answer. The door open and thank God, he answered it.

"Chris?! Bruh what are you doing__?"

"Hold me."


Shayvez was standing there looking clueless as hell. I just couldn't be alone in that house. I launched at him hugging him. He seemed startled at first but then I felt his arms wrap around me.

"Bruh you good what happened?!"

"Just tell me you will hold me."

"I... I will shit but what___."

"I just don't want to be alone tonight."

I spoked.


He said as we stepped back into his house. I could tell he was off and confused but I just couldn't be alone tonight. Besides Tye, right now he was the only one I thought to run too.

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