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"Well why not?!"

Mat asked grabbing her lunch tray from the lunch lady. Today wasn't my morning. Like was aggravating me. Tyrese kept me up all night because he wanted a midnight snack. Then Anton and Shamya arguing this morning on the way to school. Like all I wanted was some piece for just one moment.

"Chris come on."

"OK look Ma__"

I stopped in my tracks looking over Mat shoulders and saw Kivon. Seeming mad and upset. I knew the other day seemed strange for me. Hell I'm still wondering what the hell went on.

"Hold on Mat be right back."

Luckily, we had the last lunch the last bell rung, and we go directly out the door to go home. Walking over to the table with Kivon I sat directly across from him. He was in his phone and didn't acknowledge me.

"Hey Kivon."


He spoke not looking up from his phone.

"I haven't seen you all day...you OK?!"

"Yea...just really been to myself."

"Well why you___"

"Aye bruh I said I just been to myself. Don't come over here trying to be all that shoulder to cry on I'm good."

Kivon snapped at me. I was speechless. He was very annoyed with whatever was bothering him.

"Yo Chris damn bring yo ass on! Damn ma outside waiting."

Anton said walking up with Tye.

"Sup Kivon."

"Hey sup Tye."

"What's good Ki"

"Hmm...I don't know you tell me Ant.?"

Kivon replied hopping up and walking off. We all stood there looking at each other crazy.

"Well that was crazy."

"Bruh fuck up with him.... anyway nigga come on."

"I can't I got practice. I'll catch a ride with Mat home."

"Ight whatever I'm out."

Anton said patting Tyrese to come on. Tye looked at me a lil upset as he ran off with Anton. Leaving the cafeteria, I walked to my locker. Putting my book bag in the locker I was shoved against it. Turning around it was Shayvez. Wow Just what I needed.

"Ain't got you big brother here now to fight for you now huh lil nigga?!"

"Shayvez can you just leave me alone. I have no problem with you."

"Nigga shut up with yo punk ass!"

He said pushing me again. Rolling my eyes I began to walk off, but Shay clipped me up causing me to fall. People around began to laugh. Not trying to let him bother me I got up and walked off.

"Yea walk away bitch ass nigga!"

I was passed but I wasn't a fighter. Walking into the gym I walked into the locker room. Everyone was already outside prepping and running laps. I was always late just because I was too shy around the others. Walking over to my locker I pulled out my I gym clothes.

"Nigga why you run."

Hearing Shayvez voice coming around the corner. He walked up on me cornering me against the lockers.

"Shayvez can I please just change I'm late."

"Fuck no nigga you do what I say."

I know it seem crazy, but I was a little terrified of Shay. He was always messing with me.

"I got to__!"

"You ain't got to do shit but suck this dick fuck you thought."

It was like a record had just stooped I stared at him like did that just came out his mouth.

"Fuck you looking crazy for nigga!"

He shouted reaching into his pants he whipped out his pencil friend.

"I want some fucking head nigga. Let me fuck them jaws."

"Shay I'm not gay I don't__"

"I don't give a fuck! Bet you got suck this dick today tho."

He said being demanding getting up on me.

"Shit I been at yo ass for a minute. Why the fuck you thought I was fucking with you. So let me fuck that throat right quick."

"I got to go."

"You ain't leaving out this bitch until I fill them jaws up."

The seriousness in his voice shooked my soul. He wasn't playing. Filling fear in my heart I slowly descended to my knees. Looking up at him he gave me a smirk smiling as I grabbed hold to his penis.

"And I better not feel no teeth."

Looking at his pipe I cleared my throat and opened my mouth to take in his third leg. A couple slurps he was in full alert. Hard as a rock his dick poked the back of my throat. He wasn't thick at all. Just all long and skinny. Gripping the sides of my head Shayvez Beat up my mouth. Jab after jabbing it was the worst feeling in my mouth ever. Feeling like I was trying to make myself throw up with a toothbrush.

"Fuck nigga! Damn that mouth warm as fuck nigga."

He ranted as he thruster and thruster up in my mouth. In this moment I felt worthless and as much as I prayed that someone would burst through those doors no one was coming to be my Hero.

"Shit nigga I'm bout to nut!"

That he did, he blew a big load in my mouth. I could taste his salty semen filling my mouth.

"You better swallow my kids niggas."

Shay Demanded holding his hand over my mouth. I felt disgusted as I consumed his load. Letting me go I choked and gag running to the sink trying to drink some water.

"Shit nigga don't be like that you know you like swallowing my kids. With yo faggot ass"

He said fixing his pants.

"Aye look tho. . . you better not tell nobody. Then Ima have yo fuck you up Ight?!"

I just nodded my head. Waiting until he left I pulled out I small bottle of mouth wash and gargled. Feeling a lil better washing out my mouth I finished dressing out and walked out the locker room.

"So you fucking that nigga now?"

I stopped in my tracks. Turning to my left Kivon was standing there.

"Shit damn I didn't know you was a little hoe. I would have been hit you up."

"I'm not a hoe Kivon."

I said pushing passed him.

"So what you was in there doing then? I mean I already know you and Tyrese got something going on but that nigga... I thought you didn't like him?"

"I don't...just leave it alone"

"I wonder how Anton would feel about it."

Kivon said with a smile.

"Ki can you just chill you being messy. I haven't done nothing."

"Well not nothing yet, but don't worry my problem not with you lil buddy it's with Ant"

"Why you beefing with him.?"

"Hmmm...go grab your bookbag I'll give you a ride home. I'll tell you on the way."

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