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Previously on Libidinous Friend

"Ok now Jackie Ima gone and take these folks on to the hotel I'll be back."

My aunt Shouted from the porch. Thank you Jesus! She was gone. I think if I had to sit and listen to another one of her stories on how she use to hunch of my pops friends as a kid, I was gonna vomit. She had no censor and she said whatever came to mind. But she kept everyone in good spirit. Finally we had some breathing room it was just me ma Tye Anton and Shamya and Mat and Carlson. Everyone was chilling outside while I helped mama tidy up.

"Awe Mama you don't have ego do that I'll do that for you "

I heard Tye say coming around Tye corner into the kitchen.

"Yea ma sit down you have done enough."

"Awed you boys always helpful. Wish I could say it bout that damn Anton. Love that child to death but lord knows he one lazy man. Glade to see Shamya deals with him "

Mama said ripping on Ant.

"But I'm glad I got to you two in here anyway. I wanna talk to yall. Have a seat "


I said seeming unsure what she had to say. I'm Hoping that she was about to throw out something bout Pops have a secret bank account with some stack cash.

"Now Chris...baby you know I love you right?!"

"Yes ma'am I know."

"And Mama always want the best for you right?!"

"Yes mama I know what's wrong?"

I asked becoming anxious to what she had to say.

"Ok do I need to__"

"Nope this concerns you too."

"Mama what is it?"

"It's nothing... But I want you to be honest with me baby. Tell the truth. How long this thing with you and Tyrese been going on?"


Talking about a needle could have dropped in the room. It felt like I had a frog in my throat when she asked that question. Looking over at Tye he was staring down at his hands seeming blown that she just asked that.


Anxiously awaiting my answer. But I was speechless. Like what could I say. What was she asking? How am I supposed to tell my mother that I was in love with my brother's best friend and we have been having sexual relations for the past couple of months.


"Ma'am I umm..."

"Child stop. For one breathe OK"

She told me because I was choking on my words.

"Maybe I threw y'all off. Let me be clearer. Chris I have notice since you was in the ninth grade that you are not really into friends. Especially female friends. That's fine but I also notice that you and Tyrese have lately been spending a great deal of time together from time to time. Now me and you father bo____."

"You and Dad! He knew too!"

I asked shocker that they both seem to have wondered about me.

"Boy yes...Chris we suspect that you were gay for awhile now. Just been wondering why you haven't told us."

Wow like for real slap me silly and call me a monkey's uncle. They both knew the whole time.

"Why you thought we would be so defensive for you. We as parents just kind of know these things."

"Well...I'm sorry mama but I was scared. I didn't want to be shamed and disowned by y'all."

"Disowned child hush! Can't nobody disown you. You look too much like your father."

She said with a smile patting me on my hand. I cracked a small smile she sounded like she was ok with who I was. Cutting my eyes over to Tyrese he was smiling also.

"Yes...but still though this thing with you and Tye what is this?"

"Umm...it's just umm___"

"Its me Ms Jackie. I'm into Chris and I leaded him on. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry...y'all are grown men. These are y'all choices you choose to make. I'm just wondering do y'all little mutual friend is he aware of this."

When she said that I knew exactly who she was talking about. No he didn't but I knew he would find out eventually.

"No ma'am he doesn't."

"Well Tye he your friend why you haven't told him?!"

"Because he hates gays mama. You see how he treats me every day. Calling me a faggot and punks!"

"I have notice...but this y'all have is a dangerous game. Y'all both are two of the most special things to him he deserves to know."

"Mama he will kill me!"

I expressed to her my fear of telling Anton about me and Tyrese. Anton was not the understanding type he will get angry and try to harm me let alone Tyrese.

"Yea Ms Jackie Ant not that all understanding on something like this."

"I mean that's what I'm hearing from yall, but we don't know. You didn't know with me and your father yet we were ok with it. Same thing with Anton."

"Mama no it isn't...you are my mother you come to terms. A sibling will cause a problem."

"Well I won't push you on it. But just know one way or another he will know, and you better hope he don't find out the hard way."

My mama spoked her final thoughts as she got up and left the room. Damn why she had to pull that mama card then. All that wise talk and mother knows best bull. I mean she was right but wow like right now make me feel shitty for hiding in the shadow away from Anton terror.

"Aye you good Chris?!"

Tye asked touching my shoulder. I had a moment to stare off in a daze trying to figure out my next life choice because Anton was going to kill me.

"Yea I'm good just thinking."

"Aye bruh look...she right for real tho."

"I know but its just...I don't know."

"Well shit like I told you going into this. I'm doing this because of you. I'm ready I don't mind so for real if anything I think you should talk to him."

"Really Tye!!"

"I'm for real. Like I don't mind backing lash from the world.... you do. So if you real bout us and this I think maybe it is time to talk to your brother."

Yea...himtoo. Damn you Ant!    

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