Chapter FortyTwo

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Heaven Riley
Los Angeles
A month later...

"Roddy stop" I complained as he kept smacking my thigh.

I groaned loudly pushing him hard enough to make him fall off the couch. I sighed and laid back against the couch.

I can hear him mumble under his breath causing me to look down. "What you said?" I asked.

"Why the fuck did you just push me?" He sat up.

"I asked you nicely to stop touching me and you didn't wanna listen so I pushed yo ass" I smirked keeping my eyes on the tv.

He flicked me off and got up to sit on the other couch. "Aww you mad at me pooh?" I chuckled.

"Shut up, we breaking up for a minute" He mumbled.

"A minute?" I repeated.

"Yes a minute. Now shut up talking to me stranger" He folded his arms.

I shrug and got up to go upstairs. "Where you going?" He question.

"I'm a stranger remember, so don't ask me no questions lil man" I smiled.

"Lil man? This lil man will break yo damn back, stop playing with me Heaven" He said while following behind me.

"Strangers don't say that to each other. Now sir please leave me alone before I call the cops" I joked.

He mugged me than bumped me on purpose causing me to hit the wall dramatically. "Ouch!" I winced.

"I didn't even touch you that hard, dramatic ass" He said.

I grabbed my phone and went to the contacts to call my pops. I smacked my lips hearing the phone go to voicemail.

I clicked my mom contact and waited for her to answer the FaceTime call. "Girl what the hell you want?" She asked.

"This short man keep putting his hands on me" I fake cried as Roddy gasped loudly.

"What short man?!" She asked.

I turned the camera around so she could see him.

"She lying" He said while snatching the phone out my hand. "I didn't even bump her that hard and her dramatic self wanna hit the wall"

"Ma he pushed me hard enough my wig started to lift up, he even pushed me off the couch" I said.

"That's not true! You pushed me off the couch and plus your wig was lifting up in the first place you need to get that fix" He said as I gasped.

"What y'all call me for again?" She asked.

"Wow" We both said.

"I have to vacuum the ceiling, I'll call y'all back later" She said before hanging up.

"Look what you did, you wide nose fucker scared my mama away" I rolled my eyes snatching my phone back.

"Wide nose? Our future child will have this wide nose so stop trying to crack jokes" He said.

I smacked my lips looking back at him. "I hope not, every time you sneeze I be scared for my life" I mumbled.

"Damn why you cracking on me like this?! What I do to you" He question.

"You stay talking shit about everybody. You see how it feel now?" I chuckled.

I went into the room and sat on the bed to get ready to take me a nap. I have a photo shoot tonight and I'm excited for that.

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