Letter 100

398 12 4

Dear Daisy,

Wow, I haven't written you since about six years. A lot has changed in those years. I'm married and have two daughters, I live a happy life now.

I have just read all those ninety nine letters and I started crying. I had to cry because of the memories, I always sat at my desk and wrote you, I often cried without even mentioning it. The first letter is unbelievably stupid and pathetic, I used to think you'd come back, I didn't want to see the truth.

I used to pray to get my old life back, I wanted to have you so, so baldy. I really suffered a lot back then.

And now look at me, I have my own little enterprise with my own little employees. I have two daughters, Darcy and Daisy. They're twins and are four years old. I'm married now, I got over it and am finally happy again.

But why I write this final letter is because I want to apologize, not only for leaving you up there alone but for moving on. I'm sorry it wasn't you I married and I'm sorry that you're not the mother of my two wonderful girls. But that's ok Daisy. I do believe that you'll be happy up there, if you aren't already.

I just want to say how amazing the years were, how much I appreciate what you've done to me. I want to thank you for making me to the person I am today. You influenced every single part of my body you changed me for the better, you made me believe in myself. You gave me the force and strength. Daisy, thank you. Thank you for everything and even more.

Even though I moved on and began my life from 0 again. You'll never leave my mind. You'll always be somewhere in my heart, you've got a so very special place. You'll always be the first woman I've ever loved, you showed me what it is like to love.

You'll never be forgotten, never in a million years. I named my daughter after you. I wish I could see you and tell you how amazing my little Daisy is. She's so beautiful and such a pretty girl. She looks a lot like my wife, Pamela. She's pretty too, very pretty even. I love her very much.

I'm so sorry to tell you this. It feels absolutely stupid to write this down but I can't leave you just like that. I kind of felt like writing you one last time will be like finally letting you go. I'll leave you to be happy now Daisy.

So please, stay safe, have a great time up there. I wish you all the best and never forget how much I love you. I always will. You know that, don't you Dase? I remember writing it so very often, I always said that I will love you forever. And this time I won't break my promise. I won't break it like the one where I told you that I would join you soon.

While reading all this ninety nine letters, I noticed that I never let you really go, I never gave you the proper goodbye that you deserve. Of course you keep coming back to me, of course I kept falling back into this shit hole of sadness. I never said goodbye, I never let you go. But maybe now is the right time, maybe now you will finally rest in peace.

So goodbye Dase, I love you, forever and ever. You'll never be forgotten, never.

Forever in my heart and soul, your Harry.



i know i haven't updates this story in months and i am truly very sorry. i decided to post the 100th letter to give this story an end and to shorten it up in a way. i do really hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it. i will be writing shorter and differnt aus on this account. this is the 100th letter and the end of this book. 

hundred letters - harry stylesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt