Letter 2

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Dear Daisy,

After I wrote you yesterday, your father called again, he said he wants me to come over. I did as I was told and showed up at your parents house only thirty minutes later, just to find your mother crying and your father in deep thoughts. I asked them if anything was wrong and they looked at me as if I came from mars. Again, I felt stupid. Your mother called me a 'useless ignorant dumbass'. Personally, I don't think it's wrong to ask if anything was wrong but your parents apparently don't have the same opinion. Your mother wanted me to leave her apartment but your father said, he had some really important things to talk about. I wondered what it possibly could be. But then he said ' Since Daisy died,..' I wanted to slap him, just like I want to slap all of those stupid people. No one, no one calls my Daisy dead. What's going on with the people these days? He's like the 10th person to tell me you died. Some called and wanted to make sure I know that they're sorry for me. Sorry for what? Daisy, you aren't dead, are you? I still see you, you can't be gone. Not now. Not in this world. We still have so much to do, we first have to get married and you have to mother my children! I want to travel all around the world, watch movies and laugh. We haven't laughed enough, we still have to laugh and kiss, what about all the kisses we didn't have, I haven't kissed you enough. There are still parts of your face I haven't kissed, I need to kiss you again, you can't go now. It's too soon Daisy.

Your father said you died in a car accident. I don't know where he takes that information form but somehow he gets everyone to believe him. I don't like this kind of lies, it's not true and just because you aren't here with me right now, doesn't mean you're dead. He said he needs me to recreate that night. I have to think about all the things we did and what you said. The last words I heard leaving your perfect lips and in what mood you were in. I don't know why he wants to know all these things but I thought about it. The last thing you said was 'I love you Harry, I'll call you later.' That was when you opened the passenger door. Earlier that day we went for brunch, you ate the paprika omelet and drank hot chocolate, as usual. You thought about ordering a coffee but you didn't because they said they only had espresso. You don't like espresso, just like me. That's why we get on so well. It's the coffee.

When the lady brought us our meals, you said you still have to read what your boss mailed you. I told you I saw the mail and that I put it on the desk in our bedroom. Then you thanked me with a kiss. It wasn't the last one though, I don't remember when you gave me the last kiss that day.

When we went back home I asked you what we should buy your parents for christmas, do you remember? You said you already bought something for them and that I don't have to worry. I'm glad to have such an organized girlfriend like you Daisy. You always seem to have things planned out, you somehow manage to make everything right. Remember that day when we fought for the first time? That was the day you had about 5 meetings and I was busy as well, you managed everything, you're amazing. You know that, don't you Daisy?

So I told your father everything we did on that day. I told him every single detail, that we showered together in the morning, I told him what time it was when we left our flat. I simply told him everything. I hope it doesn't bother you Daisy, since it's your father I thought you wouldn't mind. If you do, then I'm sorry. I don't want you to be upset. He said that the last thing you said to him was 'Dad, I'm old enough to make my own decisions. Why can't you accept it that Harry and I love each other?' He was kind of upset about it, but I think it's cute, the way you fight for me. I know I've never been your parents favourite, but I do love you with all my heart, you know that. Don't you Daisy? We can prove them, we can prove them that the wedding is the best thing we have ever planned in our lives, we can prove them that we fit together, we can prove them that everything they say about us, are just some invited lies and untruths. I can prove them that you're still alive.

I love you, Daisy

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