Letter 37

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All of me - John Legend (fits perfectly for 100 letter i think)

Dear Daisy,

This morning your mother called me and said that she wanted to show me something really special. I wondered what she was talking about so I made myself ready and went to your parent's house. 

When I arrived your mum told me to sit down and handed me a book. Not a real book, rather a journal. And it was a journal. In fact the journal on my lap was your journal Dase. 

I literally screamed inside when I opened it and read propriety of daisy. You always used to write everything small, you said it was cuter that way. 

Then your mother said that you gave it to her when we moved in, you told her not to read it and just put it in your old bedroom. You said that now that you move in with your boyfriend (because then we weren't engaged) you wanted to leave the childish diary in your old bedroom. The one you grew up in. 

Also she said that the journal starts only weeks before we met the first time. Judy admitted that she read it, but only after your death. She was nosy, she wanted to know your thoughts and all the things that were in the beautiful mind of yours. I understand her, I would have done the same.

I didn't go further than the very first page until I got back to my flat. I wasn't emotionally ready to read it in someone else's presence.

So when I got home I sat down in my new bed and began to read.

I decided to skip the parts when we didn't know each other and begin with an entry I'm maybe mentioned in.

2nd may 2009

yesterday i was at the club with our usual clique. i met a few other people as well, sober people. some guy helped me to get all the wasted people in a taxi. i think his name was harry. he was very nice. at first i wasn't sure if i should talk to him. he has many tattoos and looks like someone who does things that you shouldn't do. long story short, i was wrong. obviously since he helped me and then payed me a taxi so i could get home myself.

when i came home i went to bed immediately, i was very tired. i just woke up. it's 10 am and i'm still in bed. i have to work tomorrow.

When I read those lines I thought of that night, the night we met. When I was only twenty one and you only nineteen. How times have changed. 

To be honest, I don't want to read everything, I just look at the dates so when I saw the 13th June 2009 I had to read it.

13th june 2009

today i met up with harry again. from time to time i like him more. he is so understanding and a very good listener. sometimes when i tell people stories they don't pay attention, but harry is different. he gives me that feeling of being worth his time. he listens to my problems about mary and gives me advice. anyway, today he came to pick me up because we wanted to go to the zoo. i think it was some kind of date. our first official one i guess. when we were at the restaurant two days ago it was because we met on the street and happened to be hungry. neither of us asked the other. but this time harry called me the previous day and asked if i had time on the 13th. of course i have time, when it comes to harry i'll always make some time. 

long story short, he brought me home and kissed me. like in those movies, only that we got interrupted by my mum. she doesn't like harry very much, she doesn't like him at all actually. until now i could always get away with telling her that he is just a friend because until today he really wasn't more. but now that we kissed i feel different about him. i feel like the taste of his mouth fits to me, i like how it tasted and how his tongue was like almost made for me. so now i told my mother that she will have to deal with seeing harry more often. i told her that i really liked him and that it was my life, not hers. 

also harry asked me if it was ok for me that he kissed me. he looked kind of worried when he asked. it was cute. of course i didn't bother our kiss at all, i really enjoyed it. i enjoy harry and all that comes with him.

Reading your journal remind me of how similar we were. It reminds me of all the things we used to like both and everything that made us so special. 

Now I remember that you always used to say and write long story short. I really like that about you, I always did.

I think I'l read the rest tomorrow, i'm really tired right now and I still have to write a book review for work. 

While I'm at it, my boss decided to pay me even more. He just keeps giving me more and more money. I think it's very kind of him. I also think it's because I always stay longer at the office and work really hard. I don't have a lot of free time but I wouldn't even know how to spend it if I had it.

I'll write you tomorrow Dase, I'm off to bed now. I wish you a good night and so very sweet dreams. I think of you very much, too much maybe. 

I love you Daisy


ahhh daisy's journal!!

this chapter is dedicated to the incredible @vhappeninn , thank you so much for the trailer!

btw a quick shoutout to selina for being an amazing friend, i love you babe.

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