Letter 24

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Stolen Dance - Milky Chance

yeah so this song on replay basically lol

Dear Daisy,

Today has been a quite boring day, I wasn't at work since I only work three days a week. The other four days I usually spend at Dan's or with your parents.

They are still so kind and caring. They call me everyday, asking me how I'm doing and what my plans are. Half a year ago I wouldn't have even picked up the phone, and now I get excited when they call. Seeing their names appear on the screen gives me this feeling of happiness, of security.

Your parents are the main reason I recovered so well. They were there for me when no one else was. I built up the walls so high but they still climbed them all up only to help me out of here.

I really couln't thank them enough for what they've done for me. They didn't accept all the no's I said, they didn't let me be alone on new years eve. They called on christams day and they perhaps even think about me sometimes.

They are all I look for in parents, they give me the feeling of being loved, the feeling my own parents never gave me.

With them in my life I still feel this connection between you and I Dase, sometimes when I look at your mother, I see you.

You have the same beautiful eyes, they light up when you see kids, when you cry they change into a sad black.

Sometimes when I see your mum I want to call her Daisy, I want to kiss her and hold her the way I held you. But she's only your mother, nothing compared to you. But it does make me happy. I see that the way you talk to people isn't gone when I look at your mother talking to someone, I see that the smile you always had on your lips is still there.

I like your parents, I really do. They are very genuie and kind people. Your father would never say a bad word, he wouldn't swear and be disrespectful towards someone. He is so polite and so gentleman-like. Your dad is one of those perfect men that appear in the middle of a book, the main caracter would immediately fall in love with him and he would give her the life she deserves.

In this case, the main caracter was your mother.

But do you know the saying 'like father like son'?

If this would be true, shouldn't you have fallen in love with someone perfect as well, with someone that would hold your hand, telling you he will never let it go and mean it? Someone who would dress nice to impress you and wouldn't ever hurt you? Someone who would be a gentleman and buy you flowers, dance with you? Someone so unlike me?

But still you fell in love with me, for some reason you really did. And if someone would ask me why, I couldn't tell them. Why did you fall in love with me Daisy, with someone covered in tattoos, with a dark past, someone who has had so many before you. Someone who used to treat women like shit and who wouldn't even fell bad about it.

Still someone who changed for you, who was willing to become a different person to please you but would never completely succed.

You in fact fell in love with someone like me.

And I wouldn't want to change a thing, not at all.

Because after all, I fell even harder for you.

"Plot Twist

If this was a book, it would just be another chapter of his life, you would recognize things that have already been said, you would imagine him like you always do.

He would walk on the street like in every other chapter, you wouldn't spot the difference.

But you haven't finished the chapter yet, you don't know what will happen in the very last paragraph.

So I will tell you because he might have woken up like every morning on that day but he surely didn't fall asleep like every night.

This morning he woke up eagerly excited for the day, because little did he know that something would happen. He knew that if he got up and walked out of his comfort zone he would see her.

He thought she would probably sit there waiting for him, she would have a coffee in her hand and her legs crossed.

And he, he would wait several minutes until he would decide to finally enter the coffee shop. Then he'd let out a very shy hi.

And to his surprise, it actually was like that. Everything he thought that would happen, did happen. He found himself standing in front of her, not knowing wether to kiss or to hug her. He desperately looked for a little bit of confidence, but in her presence all confidence was lost.

So he decided to just awkwardly sit down and ask her how she was.

"I'm very good, how are you?" She smiled at him, looking in his eyes.

He wished he could have told her that he's great and that it isn't a bother at all that she still isn't his. But who is she to blame, it was his fault. He could make her be his, instead he just waited and waited, he didn't know what for.

"I'm ok, I guess." He shruged, avoiding eye contact.

Even if he wanted to look in her beautiful eyes, he couldn't. He would get lost and lose all sense of time. He could watch her for hours straight and would sit there, amazed of how perfect she was in his eyes.

So he decided not to look her in the eyes, just because he couldn't bear it.

"And how's your black haired friend," She asked, taking a sip of her not-so-hot coffee.

"He's good," He answered, his voice sounding much shyer than in his head.

And that was the story of how the things changed, because after the very awkward and uncomfortable small talk they had, they finally kissed. They kissed and kissed until the chapter was over.

He finally had her, he held her and was not willing to let her go. And she enjoyed every second their lips touched, she wanted him as bad as he wanted her.

Even if he found himslef making every possible mistake when they first met, he now has reached his goal.

You could say he is a level up, if this was a game.

But all this is, is one of the thousand chapters of a book called life."

I love you Daisy

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