Letter 19

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Story Of My Life - One Direction

Towers - Little Mix

Drunk - Ed Sheeran

Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran

Dear Daisy,

I just came home from work. Today was a quite strange day, Susan and Dan asked me abut my life. As I know quite a lot about them, I decided to be honest. I thought it might help me with my new start.

So basically I just told them the story of my life. I told them about my fucking parents and how they treat me. How unimportant I am in their eyes, I said that I always wanted to have this perfect family, I wanted to have perfect parents and a perfect house. Everything in my life should be perfect but in fact, nothing was.

This led me to the next phase in my life. The phase I did drugs and hung out with the wrong people. When I got my fucking tattoos I now regret more than anything. I told them about how I got destroyed from my own parents. They made me to this person, they disappointed me and let me down, they gave me the feeling to be unwanted and I felt not good enough. That was the reason I decided to go their path and keep destroying myself, I thought maybe they were right, maybe I just am not enough.

I was like this until I was twenty, because on the day I turned twenty I have met the love of my life. I told them about you Daisy. I told them how we met and what we did. Maybe I added too many details to the story but I didn't tell them so they know, I told them for me. I told them about this because I believe it can help me.

So I told them about the person that made me realize that, perhaps there is hope. I told them about how you changed me in the most positive way. I told them about how you made me realize what a selfish ignorant man I was.

Remember when you went through this hard time, you didn't know yourself why you were so sad but somehow you didn't feel like smiling. And once it all came out, we sat in my old dorm and you seemed really sad. I asked you if you were ok and all of a sudden you started crying and said No, I'm not. I didn't know what to do in that moment, so I just awkwardly hugged you. We weren't dating back then which made all of this even more embarrassing. When you looked up to me I could see the suffer in your eyes. I wanted to kiss you so badly but I had to hold myself back. It would have ruined a lot if I had kissed you in that moment. We wouldn't have turned out that way. Maybe it's good that we didn't, maybe it's not. I can't tell you to be honest.

Dan and Susan seemed interested in you, they asked how you look like and where you work, what your hobbies are and tons of other questions. I told them about your beauty, I told them about how your eyes would light up when you see something you like. I told them how excited you would get if your favourite movie played on TV. I told them about all the thing that make you who you are.

But I couldn't bring myself to tell them that in fact, you were. You were beautiful and amazing, you were the most incredible person I have ever met. But you aren't anymore Daisy.

I actually let out a lot of my life, I didn't mention my eating disorder, that I used to self harm, I didn't tell them that I cry at night because I miss you so damn much. But I do, I truly do. I miss you more than anything Daisy but one day, one day we'll be both happy again, we'll manage that somehow. You got my word babe.

I love you Daisy

So first of all, sorry for the late update, had a lot to do! Then again, THANK YOU! 3.3k reads is incredible. Your comments make me so happy :)

Btw, if any of you is good at doing trailers, feel free :) x

Vote&comment please :) xxx

hundred letters - harry stylesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon