Letter 21

303 19 8

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Stole My Heart - One Direction

I Wish - One Direction

More Than This - One Direction

(Yes I still listen to Up All Night)

Dear Daisy,

You will not believe what happened today. My Boss needed some shit from the shop on the other street, so he asked me to go and get him some stamps. When I entered the shop the lady greeted me very nicely and all, so I got out and then I saw my mother sitting in a cafe, but she was not alone. And the man who sat across the table was not my father.

I thought maybe she has some business shit to do, so I didn't expect the worst, but in the moment I thought that, they kissed. And I mean not a simple cheek kiss or a french kiss. They sticked each other's tongues in their throats, it's like a really bad porn.

I know I shouldn't have done this, but I went over to them and said hi to my mum. She turned around and looked at me me for a few seconds before saying Harry?. I felt quite stupid, did I change so much that she forgot how her own fucking son looked like? Or is she just ashamed in front of her affair.

Anyway, I didn't answer, instead I reached my hand to the man, he probably didn't know who I was, at least I think that. I wouldn't consider my mother as a woman who would tell people that she had a son, she'd most likely burn every proof. But he shook it, so I told him who I was not letting out a thing, I'm Harry, I'm 25 years old and this woman here is my mother. I wouldn't trust her that much, my fiancé died a few months ago and she didn't even bothered to come to her funeral. So if I'd be you I'd better run. She is what I like to call a cruel and heartless bitch.

With that I left the cafe and went back to my work, where I belong now. I really didn't think that much of what I said, my mother is strong enough to forget about her own son and leaving him while he needed her the most, so this shouldn't be hard for her. Rather humiliating.

But when I came home from work, she stood at my door, glaring at me as if I had killed thousands of people.

I asked what she was doing her and why she decided to come now, now that I'm almost over it. And I don't know of those were tears that begged to roll down her cheek, but she looked like she wanted to cry.

In that moment I thought about millions of different reasons why she would cry now, was it because she finally realized that I am not as worthless as she thought I was?

Is it because I humiliated her in front of this stupid man?

Is it because she regrets not being there for me?

Or is it because she's a fucking attention whore?

We'll guess what Daisy, it's none of those reasons, she cried because she's weak, and people who are weak consider crying as an option too often, instead of telling me why she came here, she cried and literally begged for pity. But this woman is dead to me, if they only could have taken her instead of you, I would give a lot for it.

You'd say, after all she's your mother Harry. And I would kiss you, because I'm in love, and people who are in love consider kissing as an option all the time.

So I asked her again why she came, and them finally she told me why.

Your father and I got divorced.

Yes, my parents divorced for real, I find this quite strange since they've always been an amazing couple, and they seemed to be so in love. But even the prettiest flowers die, and instead of telling me, they kept it a secret, although I'm not sure if it was meant to be a secret or if they just didn't consider it as important to tell their son.

I asked her when they did and why so suddenly, I wanted to know why they didn't tell me but I didn't dare to ask her since I know why.

Because in their eyes I'm nobody, and why tell nobody that they got divorced?

She said a few days after you passed away, which mean almost four months. I didn't talk to them in four months and now she actually shows up at my doorstep crying and telling me something I couldn't care less about.

She didn't even bother asking me how I was or if I'm ok. She was not interested in anything that could possibly go on in my life, and I'm neither sad nor offended by it. I'm disappointed that she fits in the role of the cruel heartless bitch in my head, she does things I thought she would do, but deep inside I wish she would have hugged me and told me that she was sorry but instead she cried and told me some bullshit about her and the other man that is now dead in my eyes.

I told her to leave, I didn't want to see her aymore, ever. She ruined my day, I woke up so happily and went to work, I enjoyed talking to Dan and Susan, they are my olny friends. Today would have been another day of a normal life, without drama and without people getting on my nerves.

I would have enjoyed the evening and maybe I would have visited your parents. But with my mothers stupid habit of wanting all the attention, she ruined my day. She showed up after four fucking months, only to tell me that they divorced. I couldn't care less if the man at the cafe was her new boyfriend or if she cheated on my father. She didn't care about me, she never did, so why for god's sake should I care about her? She really isn't worth it, I should just calm down and call your dad, maybe he wants to go for a walk.

I love you Daisy

(so basically i found some time to updatee :) i hope you like it, please vote and comment. If you find some typos please tell me, I wrote the chapter on my phone so it might be a bit short. :) xxx)

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