Letter 30

235 17 10

very short letter, sorry

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Diana - One Direction

You&I - One Direction

Dear Daisy,

I came back from Madrid yesterday, and when I came home, I wanted to open the door but instead of seeing a closed door, I saw an open door and many, many police men standing in the hallway.

At first I thought someone wanted to make my life harder than it already is, and then I realized that I was right. Someone stole things from me, someone stole the pile of clothes I had left on the edge of our, my bed. They stole some of the necklaces and rings that you once owned and they opened the drawer with all your things in it.

I knew that sooner or later I had to open it again, but I wasn't prepared to see all these things with police officers standing right next to me. Apparently Mrs.Smith from downstairs called the police after she heard three men breaking the door. Fortunately, they didn't touch anything I could still need.

The police man asked me a few things, he wanted to know where I was and why I wasn't there, he asked me if I'm missing anything and if I live alone. I told him that I was working in Madrid and just got home from the airport, I said that I'm missing your necklaces and rings. And then I told him that indeed, I live alone. I told him that the things they stole were yours and that they meant a lot to me. I didn't even bother bringing the pile of clothes up, I don't need them anyway.

But I said that I wanted the jewelry back because they're yours, they should be kept safe, you don't play with dead peoples stuff. I kind of felt like the officer disliked me in a way. He asked those questions as if he wasn't even expecting an answer to them, he never really looked at me and pretended that the stolen things aren't important since the owner is dead. He actually said that.

Now my strange despise for police officers is confirmed. They are rude and actually don't care.

Right now I'm at your parents, I immediately called them when I found out that thieves stole your expansive jewelry, and since the door is broken the flat can't be closed in any way, so the police officers suggested that I should stay elsewhere for a while. It actually happened at a good time since this is only another reason for me to finally move. I need a new flat, I need it desperately.

Your parents offered me to stay as long as I find a new flat and I gladly accepted their offer. Right now, I don't know where I should stay, maybe Dan would let me stay at his, but I think it would be weird with his wife and kids.

I'm staying in your old bedroom, your mother still changes the curtains every now and then, right now there are hanging purple ones with white flowers on them, very girly. Also your bed sheets look like they're freshly washed. It makes everything look like you were here only moments ago, even when in reality it's five months. Five months since you died. That's many hours and many days, that's many laughs and many kisses.

In five months so much could happen,we could have made so much in this time, we could have explored places and we could have kissed each other, I could have given you at least three love bites and they would all be healed by now.

That's very much. Isn't it Daisy?

But instead of giving you love bites and kisses in this time, I became weaker and a little more desperate. I cried a lot, more than you should in five months, but that's something as well, isn't it? At least I spent my time hydrating the air around me. I guess that's good for trees, don't you think?

Anyway, for now I stay at your parents and enjoy the time with them, after all I have to look for a new home.

I love you Daisy


I know very short but I wrote that in only half an hour. :) mayyyybe maybe maybe I will update again this week but I can't promise anything.

By the way, the more you vote and comment the faster I update :)

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