Letter 43

145 17 17

i know this is different but there has to be some drama haha

Dear Daisy,

It's daddy here. I know, you're probably thinking what the hell is he doing in Harry's and my love tale. Well my little princess, your Harry is hurt and is currently at the hospital.

I tried to call him yesterday evening because he forgot his wallet at our home, but he didn't pick up for two hours. So I drove to his flat to check on him and to bring him his wallet.

I did worry because Harry usually always picks up and if not he would call back only a few minutes later.

When I got there and opened the door with the key Harry once gave me, in case things like that happen, I spotted him with a bottle of medicine in his left hand, where he still wears your engagement ring by the way.

His mouth was wide open and his face was very pale, I didn't know what to do in a situation like this. I was prepared to see him crying or in the bathroom self harming himself again, but never in a million years would I have thought that he would have the guts to kill himself, to end his life, just like that.

The second that I saw him I think I first stopped breathing and dropped everything in my hands. I couln't believe it, I didn't know he would be that kind of lonely lover, one that throws his life away like no one would miss him. I was so, so disappointed in him, Daisy. You have no idea.

Of course I called the ambulance, they then took him to the hospital. They also asked if I wanted to come with them, but I didn't want to. I didn't feel like spending time in the same room as someone who might be dead. I was mad at Harry, for not telling me, for not saying good bye like we would never see each other again. For simply leaving as if he didn't have anything like that in mind.

I also was sad, very sad and very mad at myself too because I was not there to help him, to get those dark thoughts out of his mind. I wish I could help him Daisy, I wish I could make him forget about you, so he can get over it. Over your death and also over you, my little princess.

So when I stood there, alone in his flat and saw a pile of sheets. I sat down and began to read what he wrote on them. Those scrabbled words on those used sheets are the most romantic ways to show one how much Harry can love someone. All those words mean so much and they hold so much pain, they come from so deep from his heart and no matter how long you will be gone, Harry loves you more with each day. He loves you so much and he would give anything to see you again, my little princess, we would all love to see you again. Me too, you mother and all your friends. We all want you back Daisy, my beautiful flower of life.

I think it was all too much for him, for Harry. He suffered so, so much and he was crying a lot. I barely ever see him with no tears in his eyes.

I remember meeting him for the first time, I didn't like him, I didn't like his tattoos and I didn't like those scarfs he wore on his head. But to be honest, I was wrong Daisy, Harry is the most loving person one can imagine and his way of seeing life (before your death) was amazing and I am so grateful that out of all those assholes in the world, you chose him. Because any other man would have treated you differently.

I am sorry for telling you so much and I also am sorry for writing the forty third letter, I just wanted you to know what happened to Harry, to your boyfriend, to your love. I don't even know why I pretend to believe in you reading this but I just do it for Harry's sake.

He is good now by the way, I mean as good as he can get. He almost died but the doctors emptied his stomach. All the medicine is gone out of his body, gladly. He still has to stay at the hospital for the next few weeks, not only because of his physical health, also because of his mental one. The doctors doubt that he is going to heal from your death without professional help. Me too.

Harry has been very strong during the last six months, he did it all by himself and he showed how much he can take without breaking down. The problem is that he took too much and when he broke down it was ten times worse than a normal breakdown.

I will visit him today, right after I packed all his things. He wanted me to bring him some boxershorts and his toothbrush and all that stuff he doesn't get at the hospital.

I feel really sorry for writing a letter to you, really. It's yours and Harry's and I come in like someone asked for it.

I just want you to know that mummy and daddy miss you too. We miss you very much, my little princess. We cry a lot but we also look back with a smile on ur faces because we had a great time with you, you were a sunshine and you brought so much joy into our lives.

We go through that time together and we won't ever forget you Daisy. Never. You'll always be in mummy's and daddy's hearts, we love you very much.

I wish I could hug you and give you goodnight kisses like I used to when you were little.

I wish I could read those fairy books to you before you fell asleep and I wish I could make you a hot chocolate so you won't have nightmares. I wish I could do all this and even more.

I love you very much my little princess and I hope one day I will see you again.

In love, Dad.


dont hate me i tried

i dont know if you are going to like how the stry will go from now on but i certainly do hope so

please give me feedback


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