Letter 22

341 22 9

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Midnight Memories - One Direction

Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood

PYD - Justin Bieber (don't hate me)

Dear Daisy,

Guess who showed up at my doorstep again. My mother. But this time she wasn't telling me about her relationship problems, no. This time she told me that my father and her can't afford paying my rent every month and that I'll have to take care of myself now.

You're an adult Harry. She said. I can't pay for everything.

So I guess I'll just have to get another job, one at night. I do earn enough money to live, but not to finace my flat and everything else. The money I get usually is for stuff like clothing, just things I don't buy on a daily basis.

My parents are insane, aren't they? First they ignore the fact that I lost you, they didn't show up at your funeral, they weren't here for me. Then they divorce and didn't find it necessary to tell me. And now my lovely mother tells me that she won't pay my bills anymore and just reminds me of how fucked up my life is.

Don't worry, I won't fall back in that cycle, I won't start crying my eyes out the whole day, I will not start cutting and I surely won't stop trying.

I'm so close to getting my old life back, I'm nearly there, I can almost wake up every moring without immediately thinking about the dark days of my life. Sometimes I even catch myself smiling, smiling like I used to. Of course my smile isn't as bright as it was when I smiled with you, and my laugh isn't nearly as loud, but I do smile and I do laugh. And that's what it's all about right?

It's about trying and trying until you get what you want. And I'm currently trying to get my happiness back, I'm sick of being sad and worrying, I don't want to be this person anymore. I want to make people happy with my presence and feel like I can make someone's day better. I want to hug someone again, the last person I hugged was your mother, which was about a week ago. I want to kiss someone and have sex.

Daisy we used to have sex every day, we used to do it all the time and everywhere. It's so strange, I didn't have sex for four months now, I didn't touch anyone nor did I kiss someone.

My life just has changed in every possible way, I don't do things I used to do back in the days, but now I do things that I would have never done before.

Today Susan planned a dinner at her place, she invited Dan, Alex and me. So basically just us co-workers.

I hope it'll be good.

I had to write another short story, of course I wrote about us Dase, I always do.

"All They Have

They both laid in bed, thinking about life, talking about future and mostly enjoying the time they spend together. They are cuddled up, like they always are.

"Do you think we can make it?" she asked letting out a little sigh.

"Of course," he replied,"don't we always?"

Don't we always

Those words kept playing inside her head, do they? And what is always? Always until eternity? Or always until their love dies?

"Will you love me forever?" she questioned, looking in his eyes.

"Of course I will, don't ever doubt that, yeah?" he looked up to her and softly kisseed her lips, he kissed her like she was his whole world, like losing her would be destroying it.

He was so in love, he would get lost in her beautiful eyes in the very second their gazes would meet, he would kiss her again and again, because really, why not? He loves her and no matter what people say about them, no mater what will happen, it could not ruin it. Nothing can come between them, nothing.

"Are you scared of what will happen tomorrow?" He suddenly asked.

But she didn't reply, she grabed his hand under their shared blanket and lightly squeezed it.

"Are you?" He askd again, this time his voice is more enquiring.

"I don't know," she honestly replied, she really didn't know.

On one hand, she wasn't because she'll do it with him by her side, but on the other, it did frighten her, will they understand, will they support it? Or will it be like it always is, will they end up fighting again?

"Come here," he put his arms around her, embracing her."I love you, so very much," he whispered in her ear.

"I love you," she softly replied before falling asleep.

But he stayed awake for a few more hours, thinking about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, he thinks about what he did to deserve someone like her. He rubbed her back and kissed her cheek, softly enough not to wake her up.

Watching her sleep was always his favourite thing to do, he would enjoy every second, he would admire how unbelievably beautiful she was and he would smile, because really, why not?

And then, even he fell asleep, right next to her, the one he loved more than anything else.

They were laying in bed, their hands tied up, cuddling like every night, because their love was all they had."

Remember that night Dase? We were incrdibly excited and scared about what your parents would think, we wanted to tell them about our engagement. I wanted to ask for their permission to marry you, and now look at us. Why did we even ask them? We could have just gotten married without letting anyone know. Because our love is all we had.

I love you Daisy

Thank you so very much for 4.3k reads :) i love you so much and this is a Harry's Birthday Special! I hope you liked the letter :) please vote and comment and let me know what you think! By the way check out the turkish Version in my Translation reading list :) xx

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