Chapter 22

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Harry POV:
I wake up, feeling completely healthy. "Love, how are you feeling?" Ginny asks.
"Much better," I smile and kiss her forehead.
"Great. We have 3 more days of our honeymoon." Ginny says. "What do you want to do?"
I grin, "I have a couple ideas..."
"Oh?" She smiles a little, "care to tell me?"
"I would much rather show you," I say climbing on top of her.
"You are playing a dangerous game Mr. Potter."
"I thought you liked my games Mrs. Potter?" She giggles.
I take her bottom lip in between my teeth. I fit my mouth to hers kissing her deeply. I move my mouth to her neck, sucking and biting the skin. Ginny moans, she grips the hem of my shirt. I pull back and take it off. She pushes me off of her. "Wha-?" I ask.
"I take control," she says pushing me back against the pillows. She takes off her shirt, she has no bra on because she doesn't sleep in one.
My wife climbs on top of me and fits her lips my neck. I place my hands on her shoulders and run them down her chest. They stop on her breasts. "You are so beautiful..."
"Thank you, love." She says skidding down my flannel pajamas pants and my boxers. She takes off her shorts and underwear.
"I love you Harry..." She says sitting on top of me, her hands rubbing my chest and shoulders.
"I love you too Ginny." I say fitting my mouth to hers.
We make love all day long, we only stop for dinner.
Hermione POV:
I knock on the door on the Burrow. Mrs. Weasley opens the door, "oh! Hermione dear! No need to knock! You are family. Come in, come in."
"'Mione!" Teddy runs over to me and hugs my leg.
"Hey Teddy," I say bending down to hug him, I pick him up and set him on my hip.
"Was he better than yesterday?" I ask.
"Much better, weren't you Teddy?" Mrs. Weasley says, tickling his stomach.
He giggles, "yea."
"I should get home, Ron is waiting for us."
"Alright dear," she smiles.
"Thanks again for watching him." I say.
"Oh anytime dear."
I open the door to our house and set Teddy down. "'Mione?" Ron asks.
"Meet you in the kitchen!" I say.
I walk in and he pecks my lips, "hello, love."
"Hi." I say. He is putting dinner on the table. "Teddy come in here please."
He runs in. Ron picks him up and brings him over to the sink and helps him wash his hands.
As we sit down to dinner we talk about what happened at work and Teddy tells us that Victorie came over and they payed all day.
"You know Teddy," Ron says. "Harry and Ginny are coming home soon."
"Yea!" He says clapping his hands.
"You are going over to your grandma's tomorrow," I remind him.
"Grama Weasley?"
"No grandma Andromeda." I say.
"Yea!" He says giggling.
We put Teddy to bed that night after dinner. "Goodnight Teddy," I kiss his forehead.
"Night Tedster," Ron says.
"Moony!" He exclaims looking over the edge of his bed for the stuffed animal.
I bend down that hand it to him, "here you go buddy." I kiss his forehead again and we close the door behind us.
"Only two more days," Ron says.
"I'm gonna miss him..."

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