Chapter 21

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Harry POV:
"Are you feeling any better love?" I ask her when she wakes up.
"A little, I can't believe I have the flu on our honeymoon." She says.
"You're not pregnant are you?" I ask.
"No," she says.
"How can you be sure?" I ask.
"Because I got my period last week and the symptoms don't start this quickly."
"Just wanted to make sure. Can I get you anything?"
"Ummm... just some crackers please." She says.
"Be right back," I say then I walk to the kitchen.
Ron POV:
"Teddy, wake up buddy." I say shaking him lightly.
"No," he says.
I lift him out of bed, "come on, you gotta wake up. You're going to go to grandma Weasley's."
"Sweep," he says.
"Come on Ted-ster," I laugh and sit him at the breakfast table.
"Where 'Mione?"
"She is in the shower getting ready for work."
"Oh-tay," he says rubbing his eyes with his little fits.
"What do you want for breakfast little guy?" I ask. "Toast?" he nods his head. I set him down at the table, he lays his head on the table. He is asleep in seconds.
I decide to let him sleep, he can eat at my mum's place.
When Hermione walks into the kitchen, "Ron he needs to be awake when he goes to your mum's."
"It's fine. Just let him sleep," I say.
She walks to the cabinet, to get a cup. I kiss her on the cheek, "morning."
"Morning," she whispers.
When we get to my parent's house, I tell them to let him sleep. "He'll probably sleep for an hour or so more."
"Just like his godfather's wife." Mum notes.
"And godfather," Hermione adds.
"Thanks again mum," I say.
"No problem dears. Go on, you'll be late for work." She says practically shoving us out the door.
"He'll need to eat when he wakes up," Hermione says.
"I know how to babysit a 4 year old. I did raise 7 children." She says.
"Okay, okay, we are gone." I say pulling Hermione with me.
Molly POV:
Teddy is sleeping on the couch, I pull the blanket up to his chin and kiss him on the head.
*time laps*
When I walk into the living room Teddy is rubbing his eyes with his little fits. "Gammy?" he says, trying to says grandma.
"Hi buddy," I say.
He sits up, his hair sticking up all over the place. He yawns and flops back down onto his pillow. "No, come on Teddy. You've got to wake up." I say picking him up."
"Nooo..." he wines.
"Come on, let's get breakfast." I make him a piece of toast and cut it into pieces for him to eat. He sits there staring at it. "Eat." I say.
"No, I want bed." He says.
"Too bad, you need to eat and wake up."
"Nooo," he wines again.
"Edward you aren't leaving this table until you eat something," I say.
He crosses his arms and glares at his food. "Teddy you won't win this one, I raised 7 kids."
He lays his head down on the table, and sighs. Then his head snaps up, like he's got an idea.
And he does have an idea. He starts wailing, screaming and crying. "That's not going to work Teddy." I go into the living room and start to knit. I rock back and forth, knitting and waiting for his cries to stop.
When they finally do, I walk into the kitchen to see him eating his breakfast. "See, that wasn't so hard was it?" I ask.
He shakes his head sadly. I bend down in front of him, "Teddy this isn't a punishment. You need to eat."
"I sowy gammy," he says.
I grab a towel and dry his face, "it's alright Teddy."
I stand and grab his plate, "I love you gammy." He says.
I stop dead in my tracks on the way to the sink, "I love you too Teddy."
Ginny POV:
I wake up the next day, feeling much better. "Harry?" I ask.
I hear someone getting sick in the bathroom, I open the door. "Oh, Harry. I got you sick didn't I?"
"It's alright Gin," he says standing up and rinsing his mouth out with water.
"Get back into bed," I say. He walks over to the bed and I tuck him in, "now I get to take care of you."
"I guess," he laughs.
"Sleep," I instruct. "it'll help you feel better."
"You know, I've been thinking about getting a tattoo." He says half-asleep.
"What of?"
"A Hungarian Horntail," he says then falls asleep.
I roll my eyes. 'How does he remember that?' I think to myself. 'I barely even remember that!' What tattoo did I say Ron has again?' I think for a while, 'that's right! A Pygmy Puff.' I laugh at the memory of my years at Hogwarts.

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