Chapter 2

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Edited Eugenie1234

Ginny's POV:

When I return to the Burrow, my mom comes rushing over to me and takes Teddy from my arms. As she starts fussing over him, I think, she'll like having a baby in the house.

"Gin, you're back. Is Harry his legal guardian?" Ron asks.

"Yes, he is, and I think he will do great." I say. I take Teddy back from my mom and go upstairs to hand him to Hermione.

"Hey, Hermione, can I come in?" I ask standing outside her and Ron's room.

"Yeah, sure." she says. Her eyes widen in shock when she see the blue haired baby.

"Can I hold him?"

"Of course." I hand him to her.

"I heard Harry talking to him last night, it was so sweet. But there was one part that stood out to me, can I talk to you about it?"

"Yeah, what happened?" she asks.

"So he said that I'm not going to try to be Teddy's mother, but I will love him like one. Do you think he meant that he sees a future with me?"

She smiles. "Yes. Yes, I really do think that's what he meant."

"I just hope he doesn't mean too soon, I'm only 16." I say.

"Of course, but I think it shows how much he loves you." she tells me. Teddy wakes up from his nap and starts to cry.

"He is either hungry or needs his nappy changed." I check his nappy, we have a winner.

"Mum, can you help me with something?"

"Of course, what is it?" she asks sweetly.

"I don't know how to change a nappy. As I'm the youngest, I never needer to know how." I laugh. She explains, and I try it out. It doesn't go too bad for the first time.

Next, I go and visit George, who has barely left his room.

"Georgie can I come in? I have a surprise." I tell him.

"Sure Gin, its open." I walk in to see him looking at pictures of him and Fred, he isn't crying though. He looks at the baby in my arms and smiles.

'Is he Tonks and Remus's?"

"Yeah." I say. "What are you doing?"

"Well, I realized that Fred wouldn't want us crying over him, he would want us to celebrate him and remember the good memories," he says. Then he takes Teddy in his arms. The baby holds onto his finger, and he smiles a real smile, one I haven't seen in a while.

"Is he a werewolf?"

"No, thankfully. I don't think I could watch that happen to him." I say.

"Oh, Harry dear, you're home!" I hear my mum say.

I take Teddy with me and head downstairs, where I am greeted by a hug and a kiss from Harry.

"I'm sorry to just leave him with you Gin."

"It was fine." I say, when Teddy starts to cry. I look over at Harry, who looks terrified. "

"He is probably hungry." I watch him as he gets the bottle ready for him. We sit on the couch as Harry feeds him, when Bill and Fleur appear at the door.

Bill smiles. "This must be Tonk's kid, only her kid would have hair like that." We all laugh. Then Teddy's hair turns purple, but only for a second. It goes back to blue. Harry and I look at each other and smile.

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