Chapter 63

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The next chapter will be Andromeda telling Teddy about his parents. I'm not in the mood to write something sad and heavy right now.

Ginny's POV:

I pull the letter free of Rhea's claws. She nibbles on my finger affectionally, waiting for her reward. Harry, James and I went to Diagon Ally to get another owl. We had one, but he was getting a bit old. He hadn't really bonded with me or Harry, so we decided that we should get another one that will be a pet not just our mailman.

I give her a treat and pet her chest gently. I unroll the paper, the top of the page reads Witch Weekly.

Dear Mrs. Potter,

We are extremely interested in having you be on the cover of our September issue. We can schedule the interview at a later date. Please respond to our owl as soon as you have made your decision.

Wishing you and your family well,
Nancy Jane.

I have to read over the letter again. I've been asked several times before this, of course. Harry Potter's girlfriend they would sell out. Then I became his wife - the letters came in by the ton-full. Then I was pregnant. Of course my position on the Holyhead Harpies only fueled the amount of letters.

I jump slightly when Harry wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my neck and sliding his hands under my shirt. "What do you have there love?" He asked taking the letter from me before I can hide it. "Witch Weekly?"

I nod, chewing on my bottom lip. "I've never agreed. Of course I've talked to them with Quidditch stuff but I know they just want to make drama for us." I shake my head. "Especially when we were young and dating. All of those magazines saying that I was 'just a fling'. I got the bloody ring."

Harry laughs against my neck and takes my left hand, where my engagement ring and wedding band lay adorned, and kisses them. "You did indeed get 'the bloody ring'."

James whines from the high chair next to us kicking his feet he throws the Cheerios at us, not liking the attention away from him. "Will you put him in his play chair?" I ask Harry. "Maybe it'll tire him out so he will go down for his nap later. Then we can take a nap."

Harry pecks my cheek and walks over to James. He lifts James up and into his arms, he makes a pretend groan sound. "You are getting so heavy." James grins, liking that he is in the perfect hight to steal his father's glasses. Which he does.

Harry tries to take them back but James swings them away, throwing them on the ground in the process. Harry sighs, squinting down at James. "Ginny, love, can you grab those?" He asks looking at the oven instead of me.

I giggle as I bend down to grab shattered glasses. "Oculus Reparo." I hand the glasses over and take James into my arms. "You better hope he doesn't do that when I'm not home." I warn, bouncing James on my hip.

Harry nods, sliding them on to the bridge of his nose. "Yeah I'm working on it. I try to keep his arms out of reach of my glasses." I set James in the play bouncer.

Harry runs a hand through his hair, causing it to stand up in all directions. "So, what do we want to do today? Usually we have our hands full with Teddy and James."

I wrap my arms around his waist, resting my head on his chest. He wraps me up in his arms, kissing the top of my head. "Let's just stay like this." His hands slip under my shirt, touching my lower back lightly. Goose bumps rise on my skin.

James whines again, bouncing in his chair. The toys on the tray rattle. I groan against Harry's chest lightly. I turn and bend down in front of James. He grabs onto my hair. "You can't give mummy and daddy a break can you, sweetie?" I kiss his forehead and freeze.

"Gin?" Harry asks. "What's wrong?"

I set my wrist on James's forehead. "Harry, d-does he feel warm to you?"

Harry bends down and sets his wrist on James's forehead. "Maybe a little... how do you take a baby's temperature?"

I look over at him, about to scold him but I stop. "I'm going to owl my mum. Will you just hold him? Just... comfort him." I instruct grabbing a quill and paper. "Harry are all the baby books for muggle children?"

"I think so, but I'll check." He says lifting James out of the bouncer and walking up the stairs.

Harry's POV:

Ginny just tied the letter to Rhea and sent her to the Burrow. James sits in his high chair. "He seems fine to me..." I set my hand on his forehead again. "Maybe he's a little warmer..."

"Oh god..." Ginny starts to pace the kitchen floor. "Teddy never got sick when he was this little... I don't know what to do."

James whines slightly, arching his back against the straps on the chair. He kicks his feet, his face red. "Harry he seems a lot warmer to me..." Ginny says unstrapping him and lifting James into her arms.

Rhea swoops back into the kitchen, parchment attached to her. Ginny lunges at the bird, ripping the letter open. I give Rhea her reward and she flies off.

"Okay, first we need to take his temperature, then we can give him a bottle. But she said if he is acting relatively normal then we should just let the fever run its course... but if it gets worse we can take him to a Healer." Ginny reads the letter over a few times. "We need to just say this spell and then wave the wand over him. Mum also sent this book we can look at."

James squirms on the changing table. "Ginny do you want me to do the spell?"

"No," Ginny says harshly. "My charms are much better than yours." She looks up from the book, winching slightly. "Sorry, love. I didn't mean for it to come out that way."

She stands and sets the book on the chair. "Okay, I can do this." She whispers the spell, causing the length of her wand to glow. Ginny waves it over James, his eyes twinkling with wonder as his hands try to grab the wand.

100.5 appears on the end of her wand. Ginny lets out a sigh. "It's not too high. But we should probably keep an eye on him." Ginny changes James into pajamas and sets him in his crib.

James whines and reaches for Ginny. "Mama," he complains. Ginny sighs and lifts him back up.

I kiss Ginny's temple. "Maybe we could lay in our bed? Perhaps we could get him to sleep and then we could sleep."

Ginny nods, smiling at me. "Like our lazy days we had when Teddy stayed somewhere else for the day or night?" I nod, and her smile widens. "Come on."


Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update! I had a crazy week at school. So much stuff was due.

And it was finally warm here in Minnesota, like 80° warm all day and I was helping my parents with some yard work today.

I don't have very much to add in this note but I do have a question for people who live outside of the US.

What do American accents sound like to you?

Like in movies or TV shows or even people you have met with American accents. Try your best to describe how they sound.

I'm planning on using the information for a future one-shot.

Thanks so much!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope to update soon!

I love you all!

Keep calm and fangirl on!


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