Chapter 49

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Ginny groans and shakes me awake as James shrieks from his crib. "Harry, it's your turn. There's milk in the fridge, don't forget to warm it up." She pulls the covers over her head and falls back asleep.

I stumble into James's room, and lift him out of his crib. I walk down stairs and find the bottle in the fridge. I wave my wand over it to make it warm.

I sit down and start to feed him. "Hey, bud." I whisper as his big brown eyes stare up at me, wide with curiosity.

"Harry?" I look up to see a sleepy looking Teddy dragging a blanket behind him, his wolf in his hand.

"Teddy," I say, sitting up. "What are you doing up?"

"James woke me up," he complains. "Why does he cry so much?" He rubs his eyes and climbs next to me on the sofa.

I sigh, "because he's a baby, Ted. Fall asleep here bud, I'll bring you up once I'm done feeding James."

Teddy grabs one of the pillows and sets it on my lap before laying down and falling asleep.

Once I finish feeding and burping James, I set him down on the couch, far away from the edge and I stand up, careful to not wake Teddy.  I take James and bring him upstairs.

I pick up Teddy and lay him down in his bed. I put a charm on his room so he can't hear the crying from James' room.

. . .

The next day I walk down stairs after a cold shower to wake me up from the long and sleepless night. Ginny is breastfeeding James at the kitchen table, a blanket is draped over her chest. She glances under the blanket to watch James, a smile on her face.

"Morning, love." I kiss her cheek and sit next to her. "How are you?"

"Tired," she admits, and shifts uncomfortably. "It still hurts too, him nursing."

I nod and play with James' feet. "I'm sorry. Did you pump anymore? I can feed him."

She shakes her head, yawning. "No, I'm going to later today."

"Can I make you something to eat?" I ask, standing up and walking to the other side if the kitchen.

She nods, "please. I'll just do some jelly toast."

I nod, "you got it."

"Why isn't Teddy up, yet?" Ginny asks, pulling James away who only shrieks and tries to latch on again. "Oh, hush." Ginny switches him to her other side.

"He woke up because if James' crying last night." I tell her, pushing down the latch for the toaster. "He's one tired kid. I put a charm between their rooms so Teddy can't hear the crying."

"Good," Ginny says, brining James up to burp him.

I hand her the toast and take James, "you eat, love." I grab a cloth and lay it over my shoulder. I pat James' back lightly.

Ginny laughs, "Harry, he isn't a China doll, you need to hit him harder for anything to happen." She takes a bite of her breakfast, smiling at us.

I do as she says and hit James harder. After a few minutes he spits up over the cloth. I pull him away. "Feel better?" I ask James.

Ginny laughs at me. "You're cute."

"Well you did marry me," I tell her, laying James in his bouncer. I grab a cup of coffee and sit next to Ginny.

She slides James over so he is facing us. She smiles at him. "Harry this feels like a dream. Like I'm going to wake up any minute and he's going to be gone."

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon