Chapter 58

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Note: some of you may try say that you gave me the idea for what happens in this chapter but I had already thought of the idea before people started commenting about it.

Ginny's POV:

I lift James from the changing table. "How's my baby, hm?" He coos and grabs onto my hair lightly.

I knock on Teddy's door, "Teddy? Are you awake?" No answer. I twist the door knob, and push the door open. "Teddy?" I ask, but his room is empty. My heart pounds.

I walk down into the kitchen. "Teddy?"

"Yeah?" Teddy says from the kitchen table, munching on some toast.

"You scared me, young man." I scold setting the hungry James in his chair. Teddy looks at me sheepishly. I open the jar of food and sit in front of James.

. . .

I kiss James' forehead and lay him down in his bed. "Have a good nap, baby." I whisper and shut the door silently behind me.

"Teddy?" I ask walking down the stairs. "Teddy?"

There's a knock at the door and I walk over to open it. Jason stands on the step. "Hey, Jason. What's up?"

"Um, Ella said she left something here last night? She asked me to get it for her." He says. "I think it was some files or something..."

I think on it for a moment. "Um... not sure... lets go look in Harry's office. We have to be quite though, James is sleeping."

"So, uh... where's Teddy?" Jason asks, tying to make small talk as we walk up the stairs.

"I'm not really sure at the moment." I laugh. "Somewhere in this bloody house."

Jason laughs. "Yeah, this house is much bigger than the one I grew up in."

I scoff, "you don't know small until you share a house with 6 brothers. But mum never lost track of one is so... I guess there's gives and takes."

We walk into Harry's study and poke around a bit. "What we're the files on?" I ask.

Jason blushes. "I'm not really sure... when she told me she was kinda... getting dressed and..."

I laugh and shake my head, scoffing. "Men. You're all the same aren't you?"

His cheeks and ears redden again. "Uh..."

"It was a rhetorical question." I tell him looking through the files. "This it?" I open a file to see feminine handwriting.

Jason takes it and pages through it. "Yep. Thanks so mu--"

"Ginny!" Teddy screams, it's faint but I can hear it.

I grab my wand and sprint down the stairs. "Teddy?!" I yell.

"Ginny!" Teddy sobs from outside.

I run out the front door to see Teddy under a big oak tree. A broken broom lays beside him. "Teddy!" I run over to him, I set his head in my lap. "Teddy what hurts?"

"M-m-my wr-wrist," he sobs. "A-and le-leg. And eve-every-everything."

"It's okay. It's going to be okay." I say. "We're going to apparate to St. Mungo's. Okay? I have to get James an-"

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