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Hi everyone, I just wanted to make a quick announcement for my readers. I one small request from you guys:

1) please, please stop commenting about ships that are not present in this story, I have had many many comments that are telling/asking (practically ordering) me to put one character in a romantic relationship with another, i.e. draco and hermione (i mention this ship because it is definitely the one i get the most of but i do have others) however, this is not a dromione story. you know how you can tell? if you look in the tags before reading and story and look - if you don't see it, then don't expect it, simple right? I thought so too...

Now, I'm ship-shaming anyone, ship whoever you want I really don't care (except for incest - that is nasty) who you ship with who... but what drives me absolutely insane is when readers comment over and over (or even once) for me to put another character in a romantic relationship with another character. If you want a story with a specific ship, then read those stories. This is especially your thought process: "Huh this story doesn't have the ship I want... I guess I will comment several times for the author to change their own story so I like it better"

This is my story. Not yours. I made this for me, not to please you. Granted I smile every time I get a nice comment about my story, anyone would. But, remember I write because I want to not because you wan me to. If you want a story about a certain ship that isn't in my story, please find another one or hey! even write your own!

Thank you to everyone who has not done this, I very much appreciate it. To those of you who have, please stop and find another story or continue reading mine and keep those types of comments to yourself.


Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now