Chapter 33

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Harry POV:
"You're sure you're okay staying here?" I ask Ginny the next morning.
She rocks a sleeping Teddy and nods, "I'll be fine Harry. I promise. We'll both be fine..." she says.
I sigh and pick up my briefcase. "I'll come home at lunch. I love you."
"I love you too," she pecks my lips and smiles.
When I walk into my office there is a girl waiting there, "Mr. Potter, I'm Ella Laws, your intern."
"Harry," I say shaking her hand. "You picked one hell of a day to start. You read the papers?"
She nods, "I'm glad your wife and godson are okay."
"I am too," I say. "Ron should be here-"
"Sorry I'm late Harry. Hermione is quite frightened. She tools the day off and is with Ginny. Oh, hello."
"Hello, I'm Ella, Ella Laws."
"I know you from somewhere..." Ron says.
"I, uh, ran into Harry when you talked to some students..."
"That's right," I say. "Your sister okay?"
"My sister...? Oh, the worms... yeah she's fine. Jason, er, apologized."
Ron laughs, "that's good. How's Teddy, Harry?"
I sigh, "he woke up last night and Ginny got hardly any sleep, he was sleeping when I left. Hopefully she is sleeping too."
Ron nods, "well, let's catch this guy."
(So I don't really know how this works so...)
Our morning is mostly just coming up with a profile for the Hooded, as the Daily Profit called him. We won't be able to do much until he either attacks again, or we get a lead on him.
We are all hoping it's the latter and not the first one.
Ginny POV:
I lay Teddy in his bed and pull the covers up to his chin. "Goodnight Teddy. I love you."
"Ginny?" Hermione's voice rings throughout the house.
"I'm coming," I whisper as loud as I can. When I walk into the kitchen I see her sitting at the table.
"Morning," I say.
She hugs me tight, "morning. I hope you don't mind me coming here unannounced. I just... I needed to be with someone today..."
I nod, "it's alright Hermione." I yawn. "I'll make a spot of tea."
Hermione laughs,"I'll make the tea. You go sit down."
I nod and sit on the couch, then, the next thing I know. My head is on the pillow and my eyes are closed.
Hermione POV:
"Ginny, do you want sugar in your tea?" I ask Ginny. When I get no response I walk into the sitting room to see her fast asleep on the couch. I grab a throw blanket and lay it on her.
I sit in the kitchen sipping my tea when I hear Teddy, "Ginny?!"
I grab my wand and run up the stair and into his room. I see him sitting up in his bed, trying to climb down. "Teddy!" I exclaim grabbing onto him. "Don't do that, buddy. You could fall."
"Where Ginny?"
"She's sleeping," I say. "Do you want some lunch?"
He nods, "Moony."
I grab the toy and hand it to him. "What do you want to eat?" I ask him. "A sandwich?"
"Andwich!" He says, I put my finger to my lips. He looks down sheepishly.
"Ginny is sleeping," I say setting him down in the chair.
"Ginny?" Harry's voice echoes through the house.
"Ginny is sleeeeping." Teddy whispers loudly. (Anyone know where sleeeeping comes from?!)
Harry laughs and kisses his head, "then we'll have to be quiet."
"Harry, what kind of sandwiches does he like?" I ask.
He chuckles, "I'll do that, you sit."
I nod and sit down next to Teddy.
"When did she crash?" Harry asks.
"Few minutes after I go here," I laugh. "But she looked exhausted."
He nods, "she was up with him last night. She wouldn't let me help because I had work in the morning."
I nod and brush the hair behind Teddy's ear, "that sounds like her."
Teddy shakes his head to loosen the hair I had just pushed back.
"His hair is rather long," I note. "He might need a haircut. See what Ginny says though."
He nods, "you want to get a haircut, Teddy?"
"No!" He exclaims.
Harry laughs and hands him the sandwich.
"Ron told me you got an intern? How are they?"
"Good so far. It's like she's been doing this her whole life." He tells me.
"How old is she?"
"17, Mcgonagall set up the internship."
"A good job right out of graduation, that's pretty good."
Harry nods, "yeah. Do you want anything to eat?"
"What are you having?" I ask.
"Just some leftover pasta," he says holding it up.
I grab a fork and take a bite, "it's really good."
He smiles, "I found it in a recipe book. It was my mum's handwriting."
I smiles at him, "well your mom must have been quite the cook, Harry."
He looks down, "I wish I knew."
I sigh, "I know you do."
"Harry?" Ginny asks walking into the kitchen.
He turns and smiles, "have a good nap?"
She nods, "I think I'm going to go continue it upstairs. You okay watching him?"
I nod, "I got him."
"Well I'm heading back to work. I love you," he kisses Ginny's lips. "Bye Teddy, Hermione."
"Bye Harry." Ginny and I say.
Harry POV:
When I get back to work Ron and Ella seem to be deep in conversation. "Did something happen?"
Ron nods, "the daily profit got a tip about the guy."
"Really?" I ask. "What is it?"
"Just a tip that he was a follower of Voldemort and that he wants what is his."
"'Wants what is his'?" I ask.
Ella shrugs, "I don't know... maybe he was... no, no that's not it..."
After a few hours of working there's a knock on the office door. I answer it.
A young wizard stands there, "er, is Ella here?"
"Jason?" Ella asks standing. "I thought you were waiting outside for me at 7:00."
"It's 8:00," he says leaning against the door frame.
"Really?" Ella asks looking at the clock. "Oh... can I go?"
I nod, "Ron and I need to get going too."
*later that night*
"Harry," Ginny shakes me awake, "Harry there's someone at the door."
I sit straight up, "grab Teddy and your wand and hide where I told you to, no matter what you hear don't come down."
"I won't, I love you."
"It's not goodbye but I love you too." I say.
I take my wand and carefully walk down the stairs. When I get to the door I pause. "Who's there?!"
"Uh, it's Ella... your intern."
"When was the first time we ever met?"
"I bumped into you at Hogwarts."
I sigh and put down my wand, I open the door. "Come in. Ginny! It's okay!"
I hear Teddy crying now.
"Ella, why are you..."
"I couldn't sleep thinking about what that guy said..."
I sigh and sit at the counter.
"What did you come up with?"
"Well... I was thinking that what if he was a follower of Voldemort but he was going to kill him and take the fame away from you or something."
I sigh, "how did you come up with this?"
"I don't know... I just started go think... you took away his dream... maybe he wanted your fame?"
"Harry?" Ginny asks coming down the stairs. "He won't sleep."
I take Teddy into my arms, he quiets.
"I'm sorry. I should have waited until tomorrow but I couldn't stop moving around and Jason finally told me to come here."
"Jason?" I ask.
Her eyes widen when she realizes that she said they were in bed together. "Uh, I didn't, uh, we weren't-I'm not-"
Ginny laughs, "Harry your embarrassing the poor girl."
"So back to my theory..."
I sigh, "I'll talk to you about it tomorrow."
She nods, "right, I should, uh, go back to my place. I'll see you tomorrow. It was nice to meet you, Ginny."
Good? Bad? Ok? Eh?
Tell me what you think!!
Also! Any ideas!?!
And don't tell me 'Ginny becoming pregnant' because Teddy has to be 6 or 7 when James is born. He's 4 right now so... you have to be patient!!
I have finals this week so don't expect an update until next weekend! Sorry but school comes first. (I wish it didn't, but it does)
Keep calm and fangirl on!!

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