Chapter 68

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Ginny's POV:

Harry sits beside my bed, running his fingers through my hair. He still thinks I'm asleep, I fell asleep with him doing this and I woke up and he was still doing it.

I decide after a little while that I should probably wake up so I let my eyes flutter open. Harry's emerald green eyes meet mine, he smiles at me. "Sleep okay, love?" He asks pulling away. "How are you feeling? Do you want the nurse?"

"I want to see my baby." I whisper, my bottom lip trembles. "Please Harry, can you see if they can bring him in? I need to see him."

Harry kisses my temple, "they came in when you were sleeping and said that you could see him when you wake up."

I glare at him. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

He sighs, "I wanted to but, Gin, you just had surgery. They said you lost a lot of blood, you needed to sleep." He pecks my forehead and helps me sit up. "There's somethings that magic can't fix."

A nurse comes in with a wheelchair, Harry picks me up and sets me down carefully in the chair. The nurse moves aside for Harry to push me down the hall. He turns me into a room.

My little baby sleeps in an incubator, he's so small. (Pictured in media). Harry wheels me over to him, I set my hand on the clear material over him. Harry sets his hand next to mine. "He's tiny." Harry comments, with a small smile on his face. "Look at him."

I smile at him, pecking his cheek. "Thank you for keeping so calm during all of this, Harry."

Harry laughs and shakes his head. "Don't tell Hermione and Ron that - they'll tell you what happened after you fell asleep."

I look up at him, "what happened?"

"I freaked." Is all he says before a nurse comes in and he turns to face him. "Can we hold him?"

The nurse shakes his head, a frown on his face. "No, not yet. I'm sorry, he's needs to stay in here - " he sets his hand on the incubator - "for a little while." My bottom lip trembles - I can't hold my own baby. The nurse smiles when he adds, "but you can touch him." He opens the latches of incubator and took a step back. "I'll give you three some time."

I take one of the slots and Harry takes the other. He moves when we set our hands on his back, but he stays sleeping. I rub my thumb on the black peach fuzz that coats his head. "He looks like you." I note.

Harry laughs and kisses my nose, "he has your nose. I haven't been around him when he's awake so we'll have to see about his eye color."

I look back at my little baby, and frown. "We haven't named him yet. What do you think we should name him?" (A/N: personally I hate Albus's name... I think they should've named him after other people. Like Ginny's dad or Remus even.)

Harry shrugs and pulls his hand out, "switch with me? I want to see his face." I nod and he walks to the other side of me. "What do you want to name him?"

I frown again, "I don't know. With James I knew right away, he looks like your father - or I suppose he looks like you - and I just knew." Harry smiles, almost looking smug that his son looks like him.

"He looks kinda wise," I note. "Like he has a lot to say - you know?"

Harry laughs and nods. "He does, he has that look on his face that Remus always had." His smile drops, "but we can't name him after Remus. We should let Teddy have that." I nod, agreeing with him completely.

"Harry will you go spend some time with the boys?" I ask, wanting to spend some time alone with my baby. "We can introduce them to him tomorrow. For now, I think we should just let him rest without too much commotion."

Harry nods and kisses my temple, "make sure you rest as well." I roll my eyes and watch him as he leaves.

• • •

Harry's POV:

I hear James before I see him on my way back to the waiting room, his crying can be heard for miles. I the doors open when I get close to them. James is in Molly's arms, red faced and screaming. Teddy runs over to me and wraps his arms around my legs, hugging me tightly. I push him away and bend down to face him. His eyes are clearly red from crying. "Shh... Teddy it's okay." I say when his bottom lip starts to tremble and a tear streams down his cheek.

Molly walks over and sets James down, who screams and falls onto his bottom. Teddy glares at James, clearly he has been crying for a while. I pick James up into my arms and pull Teddy closer. "James, Mummy is alright, I promise." James's cries quiet to soft hiccups.

Teddy pulls away to look at me, "Ginny is really okay? And the baby?"

I nod standing up and walking over to the rest of Ginny's family, Teddy's hand in mine and James on my hip. "Ginny and the baby are fine." I assure them. "They had to do an emergency C-section, they're both recovering."

They all breathe a sigh of relief, Hermione sits back down her hand on her head. Ron sits down next to her, a worried look on his face. She waves him off with a flick of her wrist but he doesn't look too convinced.

I lead Teddy over to a chair and set James next to him, I grab the Animal Crackers that Ginny keeps in the diaper bag and give them to the boys. Molly sits next to me, "how's Ginny really doing?"

I shrug and take the coffee Arthur offered me. "She's okay, she wanted to spend some time with the baby. We're not going to introduce the boys to him yet. He's so small and in the incubator and he's hooked up to machines - I think it'll kind of scare them." I tell them, taking a long sip of coffee.

"Harry, maybe you should go home?" Arthur suggests. "Take a shower, let the boys rest. Andromeda stopped by earlier and offered to take the boys back to your house. Maybe you should owl her and ask her stay with the boys while you come back here to Ginny."

I nod, yawning I stand. "I'm going to talk to the front desk." I walk over to the desk and set my forearms on the edge of it. "Excuse me, can I speak to the Head Nurse?" The woman I asked nods and smiles.

The man from earlier comes over to me, "something I can help you with, sir?" He asks reaching his hand out for me to shake.

I shake his hand, nodding. "Yes, I have to take my son and godson home. Can you please owl me if anything happens? And try to keep the press out? I don't know if anyone else knows but I'm sure she turned some heads when she came in."

"Of course, sir." He smiles and gets pulled away by one of the other nurses.

I walk over to Teddy and James. Setting James on my hip and taking Teddy's hand, I lead them out of the hospital.

• • •

Hey guys!! Sorry it took a little bit to update but surprisingly enough, I have a life.

I also start my job today!! Teaching kids how to swim! The kids in my first lesson are 3-5 year olds - pretty nervous for that.

I hope you are all having an amazing summer (for those of you that are on summer break). I know I am!!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope to update soon!

Vote. Comment. Follow.

Keep calm and fangirl on!


Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now