Chapter 43

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Sorry it took me to effing long to update... (again...😁)
I feel really really really really really really really really bad.
I'm am so sorry that this chapter sucks so bad...


I walk over to my desk and face Malfoy. "What do you want?"

"What harsh words for someone who is about to become your greatest asset." Draco sits down on one of the couches. He looks over at Teddy, who is starring at him. "Why is he looking at me?"

I ignore his question. "What do you mean you're going to be my greatest asset?"

Draco looks away from Teddy. "I mean... I know the man, Harrison. He trusts me."

"So you can-"

"I am going to become your spy, Potter."

. . .

Harry POV:

"I am going to become your spy, Potter."

I freeze when he says this. "What?"

"I am-"

"No, I heard you... but why?"

He sighs. "You saved my life, Potter. As much as I don't like to admit it I owe you."

"Your mother saved mine..." I say. "You owe me nothing."

Draco shakes his head. "I've already started Potter, so you might as well just sit down, and listen."

Teddy toddles over. "Hi."

Malfoy looks down at him. "What do you want?"

Teddy looks over at me then back at Draco. I walk over to Teddy and pick him up. I open the door to see Hermione standing outside. "Can you watch him?"

She nods and takes him from me. "What does Malfoy want?"

I glance back at my office. "I'll tell you later."

When I walk back in Draco is paging through a photo album of my parents and their friends. "Please, look through that."

Malfoy sighs and sets the book on the desk. "So, do you want know what I know it do you want me to leave?"

I glance down at the picture of Ginny and Teddy on my desk. I nod and sit down. "Yes. Tell me everything."

Ginny POV:

"Ginny..." Mum whispers as Harrison steps out of the room for a minute.

"Yeah?" I ask ask, brushing a stray hair away from my face.

"What are we going to do?" She asks.

I sigh. "I don't know, mum. But, it's like you told me. We have to have faith in Harry and the others."

She nods. "I'm worried for your father. We've never spent more than a week apart since Bill was born. He... I'm just worried is all... you know how your father can be when he worries."

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now