Chapter 20

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Hermione POV:
"'Mione! 'Mione!" Teddy cries, waking up from his nap.
"Hey Teddy Bear," I say picking him up and lifting him out of the crib.
"Where Ron?"
"Ron is at work. I have work tomorrow so you are going over to Grandma Weasley's house. Won't that be fun? Let's go play, come on." I say as I carry him down stairs.
"Play!" Teddy squeals. I set him down and he says, "where Moony?"
"He is upstairs. I'll go get him." I say, I bend down to his height, "Teddy when I go upstairs, you will stay in here. Right?"
"Yes, 'Mione." Teddy says.
"Good," I kiss his head and run upstairs.
When I come back down, Teddy is still in the room I left him in. "Moony!" Teddy exclaims. I hand the blue haired boy his toy.
"Teddy do you want to bake something?" I ask, "Let's bake something like I did when I was a little girl."
"Okay!" Teddy says.
I take Teddy into the kitchen and get everything we need to make cookies.
While the cookies are in the oven, I have the job of getting the flour off of Teddy. He thought it would be a good idea to dump the bag over his head. "Teddy you have flour everywhere!" he throws a fist full of flour into my hair. "Teddy!" I exclaim and throw some back at him. He is sitting on the counter so he can reach me easily. Pretty soon we are both covered on flour.
"What are you two doing in here?" Ron asks.
Teddy and I both throw the flour at him. Now all three of us are covered in flour, while the boys fight. I set up my camera and dump a bowl full of flower on them, the flash goes off.
Ron spins around and presses his lips to mine, I kiss back lightly. But he had other ideas, he dumps a handful of flour on my head. "Ron!" I exclaim.
"Sorry, 'Mione." He says.
By the time our flour fight is over, we have flour everywhere. Ron and I look at each other, "I think we need to give Teddy a bath."
"You think?" Ron laughs.
"Bath!" Teddy says, reaching for me. I pick him up and bring him into the bathroom to give him a bath.
"Ron will you frame the picture?" I ask from upstairs.
"Sure," he says.
Ron POV:
"Teddy!" I hear Hermione exclaim, as Teddy giggles.
I decide to walk up stairs to see when happened, I open the door to see Hermione soaked in water. I start to laugh, "you think it's funny?" she asks.
"Yea I do." I say sitting down next to the bath tub so I can drain it. I lift Teddy up and wrap him in a towel. "You can get in the shower, I'll get him dressed."
"Thank you."
Harry POV:
I wake in the morning to Ginny's side of the bed empty. "Gin?" I ask. I hear someone throwing up, I walk into the bathroom to see Ginny on the ground. "Ginny." I say holding her hair back.
She pulls back, "I'm sorry Harry."
"Why are you sorry?"
"I'm sick and we are on our honeymoon," she says.
I put my hand to her forehead, "you have a fever Gin."
"I noticed," she says. "Can you get me some water?"
"Of course love," I say, I grab the cup on the counter and fill it with water from the sink. She takes a sip. "Let's get you back to bed."
I pick her up and walk over to the bed, lying her down gently. "I'm so very sorry Harry." She says.
I lay next to her, running my fingers through her hair, "shhh... Gin I like taking care of you it's my job. In sickness and in health." She laughs. "Go back to sleep Gin."
"I love you Harry," she says then closes her eyes and falls asleep.
"I love you too Ginny."

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora