Chapter 65

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Time Jump - a little less than two years. James is almost 2 and Teddy is 9.

Hermione's POV:

I knock on the door of Ron's childhood house, my body shakes with nerves. I need to talk to Molly.

Thankfully, Molly answers the door with a red-faced and upset looking James on her hip. He lets out a noise of frustration and practically throws his head down onto her chest. "Hermione," she smiles pulling me in for one of her famous hugs. "What a surprise, dear. Come in, please."

I nod and take a step inside the house. Molly sets James down on the couch, and puts a coloring book and a pencil that changes color of what place you place it on. James sets the tip on his blue pants and then starts to color the flower on the paper blue. Molly ruffles his hair and kisses his temple.

We walk into the kitchen and Molly fills cups with hot tea. "Hermione," Molly starts, "not that we don't want you here, but why are you here, dear?"

I look down the steaming tea, and if I know anything about Molly's teas is that they will never get cold. She charms the cups, or the tea - I haven't had the chance to ask her yet. I notice that one of my hands is resting on my stomach, force of habit now.

I look up at Molly and her eyes are wide, then her face breaks into a huge smile. "Hermione, are you pregnant?" Bitting my lip I nod slowly. Molly's grin is still there when she pulls away from our hug, but is falls when she sees my tears.

I shake my head, wiping my eyes. "Nothing. My hormones are kinda crazy right now." I laugh lightly when she hands me a tissue. "Thanks."

"I'm guessing you haven't told Ron yet?" Molly asks me. When I shake my head she frowns slightly, "why not?"

"I just... when I tell Ron I have to tell everyone else. Which wouldn't be a problem if everyone wasn't..." I pause before continuing, "everyone."

Molly's face tells me that she understands, "the entire Wizarding World, you mean."

I nod and nibble on the bread that Molly put out, I still have morning sickness, I can't hold a lot of foods down. "Remember what happened to Ginny? Everyone was telling her what to do and what not to do. And then all of these baby companies wanted her to buy their products and wear their clothes."

I sigh before continuing, "and then when they went on their first night out, James was only two weeks or so and everyone was telling her what a horrible mother she was. Even though the date only lasted an hour or so and James slept the whole time."

Molly nods, "of course I remember. Ginny came over shortly after that and asked if she was a horrible mother for leaving James. Which she wasn't. James was an easy baby, her and Harry could've left for two hours and James wouldn't have cared. Every baby is different and a mother knows when their baby will be alright without them." Molly explains.

"I know it sounds selfish." I tell her setting my hand on my stomach. "But I just want it to be me and the baby for a little while, I don't want anyone else."

Molly laughs, "Hermione, you can tell people when ever you want to. But I think your husband deserves to know that he's going to be a father. You two can keep this as private as you want. It's harder for Harry and Ginny because... well because of Harry, really. But it will be a challenge." Molly smiles, and laughs again. "But so is being parents."

James toddles into the kitchen, falls to his knees and starts to cry. Molly sighs and picks him up, giving him a piece of bread. "Harry said that he didn't get much sleep last night. He has an ear infection and was up almost all night."

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now