Chapter 70

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*one month later*

Hermione's POV:

I groan as I sit down in the Harry's office, Ron and Harry had some work to do so I decided to come over, I'm a week and a half overdue. Ron looks up from the file and smiles sadly at me. Harry looks up as well. "How are you doing, Hermione?"

I glare at him, "shut up." Ron grimaces, and sets a hand on Harry's shoulder. He comes over and places a kiss on my forehead. "I'm sorry, Harry. I'm just so bloody uncomfortable." Ron sits down in front of me and takes off my shoes, massaging my swollen and aching feet.

I sigh and lean back, my forearm covering my eyes. "I can't believe you bloody did this to me, Ronald." Harry presses a glass of cold water into my palm, laughing. "Shut up, Potter."

Ron kisses my belly, she kicks me there - hard. "Love, can I get you anything? Do anything for you?"

I nod, sipping the water. "Could you get me some spicy food, my mum said that spicy foods can help bring on labor."

Ron nods, kissing my belly again. "Of course, love. Anything else that can help bring on labor?"

I hum a response before saying, "there's a special type of tea - but my mum said that she could get it for me. Long walks also help. And sex." Ron's cheeks light up, he coughs and glances over his shoulder at Harry - who's laughing. "Oh, bloody hell, Ronald. It's not like Harry thinks that we haven't had sex - you bloody knocked me up."

Harry snorts, shaking his head. I glare at him again. He clears his throat, running his hand through his hair. "I've got to meet Ginny at the hospital - they're taking him off of all of the machines today. And he should be home by next week. The Healers say that he is growing and developing perfectly."

Ron helps me stand and we follow Harry out of the office. "That's fantastic, mate. Do you want me and Hermione to watch the boys?"

Harry nods, as we walk down the stairs. Ron helps me, muttering, "careful" and "watch your step" as we go down - I want to slap him but I know he's just trying to help. Once we get down Harry pulls on his jacket. "Teddy is going to Andromeda's for the week - could you make sure he's ready? Ginny and I helped him pack last night so all he needs is lunch. And you can put James down for his nap around 1:00 - Ginny and I will be back around dinner."

Once Harry says goodbye to Teddy and James, he leaves for the hospital. The boys turn to face us, James holding Teddy's hand, James drops it and walks up the stairs to his room. James looks up at us, waiting for something to happen.

Ron clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck. "So, uh, do you want me to go get your lunch?" I nod, taking James's hand leading him into the sitting room. "What should I get the boys, anything?"

I shake my head as I sit down on the floor, James dumps out a puzzle. "No, I'll make them something. Make sure there's no seafood in my lunch." I remind him as he pulls on his coat.

Ron nods, "I'll be back as fast as I can." He pecks my forehead. "Love you."

"Love you too," I call after him as he shuts to door.

As James and I do the puzzle, the baby starts to kick angrily. When she kicks my ribs I have to place my hand underneath so she won't do it again. James looks up from the puzzle, when he sees the bumps that are forming because of the baby he smiles. "Baby kick." He states, moving next to me.

"Yes," I confirm. "The baby is kicking Auntie Hermione hard. Do you want to feel?" I ask him. Grinning James nods and I take his hand and set it on the spot where she is kicking the hardest.  "Do you feel it?"

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now