Chapter 69

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*two weeks later*

Harry's POV:

I yawn and point my wand at my empty mug, filling it with more steaming coffee. I look up at Andromeda and yawn again. "Are you sure you're going to be okay with the boys here? I can take one of them with me, if you want." Ginny had a check up today and left the house early, she came home three days after the baby was born, but he can't come home yet.

Andromeda rolls her eyes, taking off her scarf and setting it on the counter. "I'll be fine Harry, I assure you. I raised Tonks - I know how to handle crazy situations."

I nod and pull on a jacket, flicking my wand at the cup to change it to a to-go one. "Thanks again, Andromeda. Owl the hospital if you have any troubles, I should be home around lunch."

Andromeda nods and waves me off, "go, go. Your wife needs you, Harry. James and Teddy will be just fine."

• • •

I bring Ginny a cup of coffee and the smallest onesie I could find for the baby. Molly also made some of Ginny's favorite cookies from when she was little - I brought those too.

Ginny had a check up this morning, they checked to make sure that her stitches were doing alright. And to make sure that she wasn't getting an infection. "Hello, love. How are you feeling?"

Ginny grins at me. "I thought of a name, for the baby."

"Really? Because I thought of a middle name - but I don't know if you're going to like it." I tell her sitting down and handing her a cookie.

She takes a cookie and looks up at me, "what if we named him Albus? Called him Al for short, because honestly, Albus is a horrid name." She laughs, "but, the nurses keep telling me how he almost looks wise - like he has a story to tell. And Dumbledore was the wisest man I knew."

I smile at her, pecking her temple. "Al," I test the name on my lips and look down at my son. He's awake, now, staring at us. "I think it's perfect."

She grins and takes a bite of the cookie. "What were you thinking for his middle name?"

(A/N: you guys know how I feel about Albus's name - it's mostly his middle name that bothers me the most. I'm not going to change it though because I don't want to I'm just trying to come up with as to why they named him after Snape)

I sigh and turn to face her. "You may not like it but, what, what about Severus?" I had explained everything that I found out about Snape after the war ended. Everything. "He was a brave man, and what he did for Hogwarts and the rest of the Wizarding World and for me." I explain.

Ginny doesn't say anything for a while, then she smiles at me. "Yeah, let's name him that. Albus Severus Potter."

I grin and peck her cheek. "I love you, Ginny. I love both of you."

• • •

Harry's POV:

The nurses come in a little later and give us the good news that we can hold Albus for the first time. Ginny grins and is practically jumping out of the leather chair she's sitting in. The Head Nurse smiles as she pulls my tiny baby from the incubator.

They instruct how to hold him without hitting the different tubes attached to him. They set Al on her chest, she supports his bottom with one hand and his head with the other. I pull a chair over and sit next to them. Ginny grins at me, her eyes brimmed with tears. "He's so small..." she whispers, his eyes face hers. "Hello, love." Ginny coos. "Can I feed him now?" Since we couldn't hold Al they bottle fed him Ginny's breast milk.

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