Chapter 25

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Harry POV:
"Good morning Mr. Potter," my assistant, Lola, says as I walk into work.
"Good morning," I say. "Any messages?"
"Two, one from Ginny and one from Professor Mcgonagall."
I take both letters, Ginny's reads;
I miss you already, I hope you have a great day. I love you!
With love, your wife,
Ginny Potter.
P.S. I almost wrote Weasley.
I smile at my wife's words. Mcgonagall's reads;
Mr. Potter-
I was hoping to have you and Mr. Weasley come to the school and talk to the 6th and 7th year students about being an Auror. On January 3rd.
I do expect you to come, Mr. Potter.
Minerva Mcgonagall, headmaster of Hogwarts school of wichcraft and wizardry.
I laugh, "of course she expects us to come." I tell Ron.
"What you on about?" He asks.
"Mcgonagall wants us to come and talk to the students..."
"Why does she want us? Bit new to the job, aren't we?"
"I think we're more then qualified for this job Ron," I laugh.
"When does she want us?" Ron asks.
"The letter says January 3rd," I say.
"Alright, let's do it."
*Time laps to January 3rd*
Ron, Teddy and I walk into Hogwarts, "the same isn't it?" He asks.
"Hard to think of a time when my life wasn't in danger... Or yours and Hermione's..."
"Shouldn't have sat with you that day on the train, mate."
I laugh, "and Neville shouldn't have lost his toad."
We walk though the halls, to the Headmasters office. Soon the hallways are silent, everyone is starring at me and Ron.
Mcgonagall is waiting for us on the steps. "Good to see you two," she says.
"You too headmaster," I say.
She notices the students starting, "nothing to see here! Get to class!"
They scurry off.
"We're used to it by now." I say picking Teddy up. "Ginny is sick and couldn't watch him." I say.
"That's quite alright. We can walk to the class now." She says. "He can see his parents as well," she places a hand on my shoulder. I nod.
"Hawy, where we?"
"We are at Hogwarts," I say.
"Mommy and Daddy are here!" He says.
"Yes, we can see them after Harry and Ron are done," I say.
"Will he be okay?"
"I timed it so it lines up with his nap." I whisper.
By the time we get to the classroom Teddy is asleep in my arms. "I also have him no sugar today."
Mcgonagall introduces us and we walk in, "I'll take him to my office while you talk to the students."
"Thank you," I say.
Ron and I stand in front of the students. We pull a table over and sit on it. "Uh, let's start with questions."
Almost all the hands go up.

I know... It's bad... The questions are the next chapter! I just don't have time to think of them, I have to finish packing!!
I'm sorry!'
Love you guys!!
Keep calm and fangirl on!

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now