Chapter 77

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*time lapse: Rose is about 6/7 months*

Ron's POV:

Rosie rests on my shoulder, crying into my chest. She lets out a high pitched wail in my ear and I grimace. She's been teething lately and Hermione got her sleep before she left. I've been set up in the sitting room, with Rosie's bassinet next to the couch. She just put the teething rings out of reach. I point my wand and the rings come flying over.

I grab one of them and sticks it in Rosie's mouth, her crying stops but she whines around the ring but no tears fall. I rub her back, trying to soothe her. My mum said that she would be stopping by later, hopefully she'll know how to help her. "Shhh..." I lift her down from my shoulder. When she sees me she whines a little louder, knowing that I'll do anything to stop her pain.

There's a knock at the door, pointing my wand at the door so I can see who is on the other side. George stands on the other side of the door. "Come in!" George pushes the door open and comes inside.

He holds up a case of beer when he walks in. "Thought you might need some, Ronnie." He sets the beer in the fridge and walks over to me and Rosie. He takes her from me. He pulls down her gums to see her teeth forming. He frowns at her, Rosie is staring at him for a moment, not sure of what to do. She finally decides, she starts to cry.

"Give her to me," I tell him. George laughs and hands the upset baby back to me. Rose quiets and settles into my chest.

"Try letting her chew on your finger, mine always liked that better than the rings." George suggests.

I nod and take the ring from Rosie, she whines and greedily takes my finger into her mouth. "What are you doing here George. Why aren't you at your shop? School's starting soon, I would think that you would have a lot of customers."

George nods. "I do. But I have new workers at my shop, students who wanted to make some extra money this summer." He sighs. "That's actually why I'm here. Since they'll be going back to school soon,  I need some help at my shop. And since you're out of a job... I thought that you might be interested."

I freeze, the only sound in the room is the sound of Rosie chewing on my finger. I clear my throat, trying to get rid of the lump that had formed. "Y-you want me to work with you? But... you and Fred..."

George nods. "We started it as a family business, a brother business. And..." he clears his throat. "Ron I don't want to run this business with any other brother than you." A small tear falls down his cheek, I know he's thinking of Fred. I wonder if they had a conversation about the shop if something happened to them or one of them... who would run the store if one of them couldn't or if both couldn't. "Ron, you're the brother that I was closest with, other than Fred--"

"Or Ginny," I laugh. Rememebering the days we would spend together, Ginny was one of us, one of the boys. She would make sure that we wouldn't leave her out, she cut her hair once too after we wouldn't let her play with us.

"Or Ginny," George agrees. "Bill and Charlie were too old to hang with us, and Percy... was Percy. You... Ron I want to run the shop with you. Fred and I agreed that you would be the best Weasley brother to run the shop." He wipes a tear away from his cheek and sniffles. "And besides, Ginny is too busy with Quidditch."

I shove him the shoulder gently, knowing that he is only joking. George laughs and shoves me back. "So will you come and help me run the shop?"

I wipe the tear that fell loose from my eye. "Of course I want to work with you, George. You wanker." He laughs and hugs me, I wrap the one arm that isn't holding Rosie around him. The door opens at the same time.

"Ronald, I'm home! Sorry I'm late, I got caught u... What's wrong? What happened?" Hermione rushes over and takes Rose from my lap.

I pull away from my brother, laughing slightly. "Nothing is wrong 'Mione." I tell her. "George here was offering me a job at the shop with him. We were just..."

"Of course," Hermione nods, understanding why our cheeks were slightly wet from our tears. "I'm going to get Rosie some of this numbing potion from the pharmacy." She walks out of the room.

George smiles and stands. "I should get going. I left a seventh year in charge of my store and I'm a bit worried. We'll talk more soon, yes?"

I nod, grimacing when I realize that my painkillers are wearing off. "Yes, we can figure out a time another day."

Hermione comes back downstairs, my bottle of pills in hand and a crying Rosie in the other arm. "Oh, are you leaving?"

"Yes, I'm afraid I may have not left my shop in very good hands." George says. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you again soon."

• • •

Andromeda's POV:

Teddy grins as I pull out a trunk that reads Professor R. J. Lupin, his father's trunk. "Nanna, why does it say professor? If he used this when he was in school."

My lips split into a smile. "When your mum asked me to store this here when they were making room for you--" I poke his stomach, causing him to giggle--"she told me that it was a joke between him and his friends. They were not a well behaved bunch you see, and, well, your father was a very bright man even as a boy. They joked that with his good grades he would become a teacher at Hogwarts."

He grins and looks up at me. "And he did! I want to be a teacher like my dad, nanna. I want to be bright like him. Was my mum bright too?"

I laugh, not sure of how to respond. "Not in the same ways that your dad was. Your mum was so kind to everyone, she was an Auror you know? You have to be smart to be one."

Teddy opens the chest and grins when he sees that it is full. He pulls out a photo album and begins to flip through it. He starts to ask me who everyone is but I frown, "Teddy, dear. Your parents weren't at Hogwarts at the same time, I'm not sure who some of these people are. Perhaps you could ask Harry to look at them, or... let me send an owl. I think I know someone who may be able to tell you all about that book..."

• • •

Teddy's POV:

I grab all of the photo albums from my dad's trunk and lay them out on the dinning table. Nanna said that her friend that is coming over will know everyone in the books. I sit in the chair by the front door eagerly waiting the arrival of the friend.

When there is a knock at the door, I jump up from the chair and wait for nanna to open it. A woman stands in the doorway and embraces my nanna. "Edward," My nanna starts, "this is my dear friend Minerva McGonagall. She is the Headmistress at Hogwarts. You will call her as such."

I nod and hold one of the photo albums in my arms. "Headmistress, can you tell me about these pictures?"

The Headmistress smiles and holds her hand out to me. "Of course, Teddy. I have many stories about your dad's days at Hogwarts. So many we may be here all night."


Hey guys!! What's up? I'm so sorry it took so long for me to update but school is so hard and time consuming. And I have to put school first.

So I need help with some ideas for pictures that McGonagall is going to tell Teddy about. I already have some ideas but some more would help a lot, that's for sure.

Leave some comments or message me with your ideas, thanks a lot for your help. GUYS I REALLY NEED HELP WITH THIS!! I won't update until I have a lot more ideas!

Keep calm and fangirl on!



Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα