Chapter 76

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*two days later*

Ginny's POV:

My alarm goes off and I turn it off quickly, not wanting to wake Harry. I sit up and rub my eyes, Harry stirs and his eyes blink open. I slide down the bed and roll on top of him. We stay silent for a moment.

I can't tell if he's still mad at me or not. This is the longest I've ever seen him hold a grudge against me. He pushes a lock of hair behind my ear and cups my cheek, I lean into his touch. "Are you still mad at me?"I ask.

He shakes his head. "No, I stopped being mad at you a few hours after our fight..." he admits. "I know you didn't forget in purpose, it's just..."

I run my fingers through his hair. "'Just' what Harry?"

He sighs and sits up, turning on the lamp and sliding his glasses onto his face. I sit up too, straddling his waist. This is going to make me sound kinda... I feel like you're putting Qudditch ahead of us... me and the boys. And since it was our anniversary..."

"You thought we were going to have sex..." I conclude. He nods. "It has been awhile..." (About a month). I admit. "I just... I'm still trying to loose the baby weight from Albus and my scar isn't exactly--"

Harry wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close. "Ginny... you have got to stop with that. What's really going on?"

I shrug and pull away from him. "I don't know. But I really need to go, I'm sorry. I'll be home by dinner I promise, maybe lunch. We can talk about everything tonight."

I press my lips to his, kissing him furiously. He responds happily, frowning when I pull away. I grin and nibble on his chin. I wink, "enjoy your shower. Hot or cold."

He laughs and pushes me off his lap. "I love you, Ginny."

"I love you too, Harry." I press my lips to his forehead and turn off the lamp. "I'll check on the boys before I go. Andromeda is coming by for breakfast and she's taking him for the week." I remind him.

• • •

Harry's POV:

Albus sits on my hip and James holds onto my hand as we walk down the stairs. James puts two feet on each stair, like Ginny and I taught him. Teddy is still asleep.

I set James in a chair and Al into his highchair when there is a knock at the door. I walk over to the door and open it. Andromeda stands in the doorway.

"Andromeda," I laugh as we embrace. "Ginny said you'd be here around breakfast. But unfortunately, your grandson hasn't gotten the memo. Please." I open the door wider for her to come in.

She nods and steps inside. "Thank you, Harry. How are the boys? Albus walking yet?"

I lead her over to the kitchen and pour her a cup of tea. "Not yet, but he's only eight months old so nothing to worry about. But he is able to pull him self up now. He'll walk holding onto the furniture. And he can sort of walk when holding onto our hands."

She smiles and turns to face James, who pulled on her sleeve. He begins to tell her a story, that even I have trouble understanding. I laugh and set the plate of banana slices onto the tray in front of Al. He squeals and squishes the banana with his fist.

"No, no." I scold. Taking one of the slices and feeding it to him. "Eat the banana, Al. Don't smush it."

"-ush!" Albus exclaims slamming his fist down on more of the slices. "Ush!"

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now