Chapter 35

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Harry POV:
All of the Weasleys, Ginny, me and the kids sit in our sitting room, Ella is there as well.
"So we're all on this picture wall?" George asks.
I nod and wave my wand at the wall, displaying the pictures. "Yes, you all are. As far as Ron, Ella and I can tell there isn't really any order or pattern."
"But I-I mean we- thought that maybe if you looked at the photos of yourselves you might find one compared to your day and other things," Ella says a little awkwardly.
"Ron," Hermione says. "This was taken three days ago... I was out shopping."
Ron pulls her close, she rests her head on his chest.
They starred at the photos for a while but no one saw any pattern in the photos.
"So now what?" Mrs. Weasley asks.
Ron sighs, "all of you will have at least one Auror with you at all times. And, George, you need at least two in your shop."
"Yeah," George scoffs, "that won't kill business."
"He could kill children, George." Mrs. Weasley scolds.
A group of my coworkers enter the house, you are each assigned two Aurors." I say. "One with you at all times and another outside your home."
Ron reads off the list, Ginny looks surprised when she is assigned one.
"Harry? Might I speak to you in private?"
Ron starts laughing, "good luck mate."
Ginny and I go into the kitchen, "Harry, I don't need a guard."
"Ginny, did you see those pictures? Many of them are of you. You think Ron and I and the rest of your brothers are going to let you go without one?"
She stomps her foot, "I'm not a child, I can take care of myself, Harry."
I sigh and set my hands on her shoulders, "I know you can, but I'd feel so much better if you had one with you. What if you have Teddy with you? It's hard when you have a child with you, please Ginny."
She sighs, "I'm not saying yes, but what about games and practices?"
"Well, at games, we can have one stationed and I'll be there and at practices, I'll have another one stationed on a broom, okay?"
She doesn't respond.
"Fine," she grumbles. "Maybe my Auror will be really handsome."
I laugh, "now I'm making sure he's either old or 'he' is a she."
She giggles, "I'm going to owl the captain." She kisses my cheek and walks off to my study.
As I walk back to the sitting room there is a knock on the door. I answer it to see Jason standing there, looking quite mad. "Is Ella here?"
"Yes, I'll show you where." I say letting him in.
Ella POV:
I'm talking with Hermione when I see a red faced Jason practically storming over to me.
"Ella, why didn't you tell me you were in one of these pictures?" He practically yells.
"Jason, you're creating a scene." I say pulling him away from the Weasleys and Harry. "Excuse us."
I slap his head when we are in private, "how dare you come in and embarrass me in front of my boss' families."
"How dare I? How dare you not telling me about the pictures! Ella, you're new to this whole relationship, I get that, but you can't lie to me."
"I didn't lie, I just didn't tell you. And I'll talk to you about the 'new relationship' thing later." I spit. "Jason, I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry! I'm only in one picture-"
"What if he has more? What if that's his plan, to attack the people with the lesser amount of pictures?Just to throw people off or something."
I pause and look down, "I didn't think of that... I'm sorry, Jason."
He puts his fingers under my chin and lifts it up. "I'm sorry for embarrassing you in front of everyone. I'll head home but we'll talk more, yes?"
I nod, "I'm really sorry."
He kisses my lips, "we'll talk more when we get home. I should go."
"Oh, no." A voice behind us says, we turn to see Ginny holding a tired looking Teddy. "Please stay for dinner. I would like to get to know you, Ella and Jason."
"Really? Thank you." I say then elbow Jason.
"Yes, thank you." Jason says.
"Ginny?" Harry asks. "Ella?"
"One minute love." Ginny says. "Jason, could you watch Teddy for a few minutes? While we finish this up?"
Jason grins, "definitely. Come here little man."
Teddy wines but settles into Jason's arms.
"I woke him up from his nap. He's kinda cranky, I'm sorry, Harry usually wakes him up."
Jason nods, "it's alright. Where should I..."
"In his room, actually, up the stairs 3 doors down on the left."
Jason nods and kisses my cheek. "I'll be having fun while you aren't." He teases.
Teddy makes a noise of protest, and pulls on Jason's hair.
I laugh, "so much fun."
"I'm sorry!" Ginny exclaims.
He laughs, "it's fine. You guys go."
*time lapse*
"Can I go get Jason and Teddy?" I ask Ginny.
She nods, "yeah, thanks. You remember where it is?"
I nod, "yup."
When I get to Teddy's room I hear Jason laughing and Teddy giggling. I open the door to see them playing with toy cars and planes.
"Having fun?" I ask sitting down.
Jason nods, "watch this." He picks up Teddy and starts to tickle him.
Teddy's hair turns yellow with happiness.
"Wow," I say. "That's so cool."
"Is dinner ready?" He asks.
I nod, "yeah, Ginny made lasagna."
"Yummy," Jason says tickling Teddy again. "Let's go."
"Edward Lupin." Ginny shakes her head, laughing, as he smashes his dinner on his face. He giggles in triumph.
"So, Jason, what is your job?" Harry asks.
He swallows his food and answers, "I am going to be a professor at Hogwarts."
"What class?" Ginny questions.
"Potions," Jason says. "I don't know why but I've always had a knack for it. Slughorn is retiring and McGonagall offered me the position, after a little bit of training, of course."
"You play Quidditch?" Ginny asks.
"He was the captain of the team, chaser, after Ginny left Hogwarts." I say.
"What's it like playing professionally?" Jason asks.
Ginny grins, "amazing. You should come to one of my games."
"That would be amazing."
"I am exhausted," I say flopping down onto the couch when we finally get home to our apartment.
"Me too," Jason says.
I'm about to cuddle up to him when I remember something, "what was that about me being new to relationships?"
"Merlin, here we go." Jason mumbles. "I didn't mean it in a bad way, love."
"Then what did you mean by it then?"
"Just that... I'm your first boyfriend, am I not?"
I blush, "so?"
"Nothing, nothing, I'm just trying to help you with our relationship."
"Oh, so I'm doing bad?" I ask standing up.
"No," he takes my hands in his. "I just mean... ugh, this is coming out all wrong."
"I noticed." I pull my hands away.
He sighs, "Ella, I'm just trying to make sure you know what I want in this relationship. Honesty is one of them."
"What you want?"
"It's our relationship, we have to want things in the relationship to make it work."
"Shouldn't they be the same things?"
"You don't want honesty?" He looks surprised when he asks.
I shake my head, "no, I want it. I just want... ugh, I'm exhausted lets go to sleep."
He picks me up and over to our bed, which isn't very far in this small apartment.
Once we change into our night clothes he wraps his arms around my waist. "I love you Ella."
"I love you too."
Good? Eh? Bad? What did you think, I know, not much action but I think I have an idea...
If you have any ideas let me know!
I love you guys!!
Keep calm and fangirl on!

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